Arianne Browne, Staff Reporter
Arianne Browne is an Editor-in-Chief for ‘The Science Survey,’ a position she’s dreamed of ever since she was a child. Writing has been her passion for as long as she can remember, and she believes that written works of journalism are one the few mediums that allows one to view a story in a new light, with the ability to transport a reader into the shoes of another. Photojournalism also plays a role in the capturing of a viewer in a moment in time that they may not have personally experienced. For Arianne, it is important for people to be exposed to the world at large, seeing it for the beautiful chaos that it is, particularly through Arianne's journalistic writing. In her free time, Arianne enjoys tutoring younger children, traveling to places that she has never been (even if the places are right in New York City), and pursuing photography. Right now, Arianne has her eyes set on graduate school in business, but she hopes that writing and journalism will play a role in her life, no matter what future career paths she decides to follow.