We've got the news down to a science!

The Science Survey

We've got the news down to a science!

The Science Survey

We've got the news down to a science!

The Science Survey

Declan Hilfers, Staff Reporter

Declan Hilfers is an Editor-in-Chief and Staff Reporter for ‘The Science Survey.’ He is attracted to journalism because it presents an outlet to bring information into the light and put a new perspective on things that are usually taken for granted or ignored. He enjoys photography because it complements a story by introducing a different medium that allows for the incorporation of visuals that give clarity and detail to an existing piece. Outside of school, Declan primarily likes to play the guitar, listen to music, and enjoy an episode or two of a good TV show. In the future, he plans on pursuing law in college, while staying active online in current events through public outlets of expression. The future is hard to predict, but he anticipates that his journalistic career will span further than high school.

All content by Declan Hilfers
Hundreds make their way down a packed street in Hong Kong, which currently has a population of around 7.76 million. That statistic is slated to grow to around 8.2 million by the 2040s, before declining to 7.72 million by 2066.

Too Many of Us or Too Few?

Declan Hilfers, Staff Reporter
March 16, 2022
 Ice breaks and fragments over a dark blue backdrop.

Castaways for a Day

Declan Hilfers, Staff Reporter
April 7, 2020
A dark expanse of water with its middle illuminated, mirroring the ominous opening shots of The Lighthouse.

Hysteria at Sea

Declan Hilfers, Staff Reporter
March 18, 2020
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