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We've got the news down to a science!

The Science Survey

We've got the news down to a science!

The Science Survey

We've got the news down to a science!

The Science Survey

Rose Marabello, Staff Reporter

Rose Marabello is an Arts and Entertainment Section Editor for ‘The Science Survey.’ She enjoys writing engaging articles that showcase the brilliance of the students at Bronx Science. She is especially drawn to the use of quotes and photos in articles because they significantly enhance them. Specifically, she loves photos that tell stories because they provide a deeper understanding of what is transpiring in the photo as well as in the surroundings. Rose is on the Policy Debate team at Bronx Science and has found her voice through debating. She has a passion for learning languages; she speaks Mandarin and French at home, and is also learning Latin at school. By the end of high school, she hopes to have taught herself Italian and Japanese as well. Outside of school, she can usually be found trying to recreate the most interesting bakes from 'The Great British Bake Off.' With her friends and family, she enjoys traveling around the world and absorbing the atmospheres and cultures of different places. She also loves taking part in exciting, adrenaline-filled activities, such as mountain climbing, horseback riding and paragliding. She is quite passionate about learning law, and she is currently attending the High School Law Institute at Columbia. In the future, she hopes to be either a psychologist or a neonatologist, and to incorporate her journalistic skills in the research that she will have to conduct and write about.

All content by Rose Marabello
During the COVID-19 pandemic, face masks have served as fashion accessories for some and essential protection against COVID-19 for others (especially those wearing KN95 and N95 masks).

What is Mask Fishing?

Rose Marabello, Staff Reporter
March 8, 2022
Some students value fashion as their way to connect with the world, just like any art form. The pandemic has added an essential extra item to everyone’s daily outfit -- a face mask.

Fashion and Quarantine

Rose Marabello, Staff Reporter
June 21, 2020
Emilia Pelegano-Titmus ’22 likes to write down her resolutions in a bullet calendar that she keeps on her wall to motivate her to stay on track with her resolutions.

New Year, New Resolutions

Rose Marabello, Staff Reporter
March 3, 2020
The Wolverine TV 2019-2020 Crew Members are students in 10th, 11th and 12th grade who want to share their creativity and personalities with the Bronx Science community.

Wolverine TV is in for a New Season

Rose Marabello, Staff Reporter
November 24, 2019
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