We've got the news down to a science!

The Science Survey

We've got the news down to a science!

The Science Survey

We've got the news down to a science!

The Science Survey

Brianna Le, Managing Editor/ Advisory Editor

Brianna Le is the Managing Editor/Advisory Editor/Copy Chief for ‘The Science Survey’ and Groups Section Editor for ‘The Observatory.’ In her third year of journalism, she finds journalistic writing appealing because she enjoys meeting different people and finding different ways to fully report upon their opinions and stories. Taking photographs is fascinating to her because photos tell a story by capturing a moment in time, in which the events occurring are suddenly frozen and preserved forever. When Brianna is not stressing about college applications and deadlines, she enjoys watching a good movie or binge watching a new show. In the future, she sees herself using the skills that she has learned in journalism while studying Biology in college.

All content by Brianna Le