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We've got the news down to a science!

The Science Survey

We've got the news down to a science!

The Science Survey

We've got the news down to a science!

The Science Survey

Nicole Zhou, Staff Reporter

Nicole Zhou is the Editor-in-Chief for ‘The Observatory' yearbook and a Staff Reporter for 'The Science Survey' newspaper. This is her third year revising news stories, spirited spotlights, and thought-provoking editorials. Nicole enjoys journalistic writing because she feels unlimited in the topics she chooses to report on; anything can be important if it is written about with importance. It is the journalist’s role to kindle interest whether they report on a small village town in Anchang or on more pressing issues. Journalistic photographs are equally important, serving as the 'garnish to a well-prepared meal.' They supplement emotions that an article may otherwise miss. Outside of the classroom, Nicole enjoys afternoon strolls, window-shopping with her family, and exploring new restaurants. She dreams of going on a cross country expedition throughout Asia. In college, she plans on studying medicine and business, but she will continue to write for her school’s newspaper.

All content by Nicole Zhou
Dim Sum provides an inexpensive communal meal, best enjoyed through little bites.

Touch the Heart with Dim Sum

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A crate of watermelons sits outside; my father would often slap them to decide which ones were ripest.

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The poisonous spikes of the red lionfish induce pain and sweating and, in extreme cases, respiratory problems and paralysis, but baking the spines render them harmless.

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