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We've got the news down to a science!

The Science Survey

We've got the news down to a science!

The Science Survey

We've got the news down to a science!

The Science Survey

Montana Lee, Staff Reporter

Montana Lee is an Editor-in-Chief of ‘The Science Survey.’ Journalism connects her to others and the stories that define them. The newspaper is her accessible tool to highlight the achievements, ideas, and contributions of her fellow students. Writing and researching help Montana to hone her curiosity and enable her to weave meaningful relationships through her favorite journalistic categories: human interest stories, editorials, and cooking columns. She is excited by the way journalism can promote bonding and lively discussion, both in and outside of the newsroom. Montana has always enjoyed photography for the physical fun of snapping pictures and for helping her to find compelling angles. She also values photography’s universal appeal; photographs easily overcome language and education barriers to communicate ideas with anyone who looks at them. Outside of school, Montana enjoys cooking, (sourdough) baking, and going on mini-food tours of the city with friends (she’s an avid Google Reviewer and thinks of herself as the “food influencer” among her friends). In fact, she runs a cooking column in ‘The Science Survey.’ Starting a food blog or YouTube channel is on her bucket list. Montana also loves to interact with visual art (both creating and pondering), go for long walks and bike rides in the park, play tennis, and speak French with multilingual friends. Montana is not set on a future field of study as she is partial to both the humanities and the sciences, but Cognitive Science and Art interest her. Montana wants to study abroad in France and Shanghai, as she speaks French and Chinese fluently. She plans to write for her college newspaper or magazine and hopes to hone her interests in college so that she can eventually work for herself.

All content by Montana Lee
Zoya Garg '21 hugs the Indian snowwoman, named Bindya, that she and her little brother built in Central Park.

An Ode to the First Snow Day

Montana Lee, Staff Reporter
March 16, 2021
This cornbread is very, very easy and lots of fun to make. The crumb is coarse and distinctly flavored from the cornmeal. It’s customizable, and it goes well with chili or thick soups (cold-weather staples) or butter on its own. This bread is not meant to be sweet, but adding a few tablespoons of honey to the batter does a good job.

Quarantine Cookbook, Take Two

Montana Lee, Staff Reporter
November 30, 2020
“People often say, a way to connect to people is through food. I completely agree with that,” said Caitlin Yeung. “My piece, 9:00 A.M. Acceptance, is about accepting and feeling proud of my culture through food.”

Pen, Paint, and Pride

Montana Lee, Staff Reporter
May 8, 2020
 Ice breaks and fragments over a dark blue backdrop.

[Photo] Castaways for a Day

Declan Hilfers, Staff Reporter
April 7, 2020
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