We've got the news down to a science!

The Science Survey

We've got the news down to a science!

The Science Survey

We've got the news down to a science!

The Science Survey

Sylvie Koenigsberg, Staff Reporter

Sylvie Koenigsberg is a Copy Chief for ‘The Science Survey’ and a Student Life Reporter for ‘The Observatory’ who is intrigued by the ways different mediums can give a variety of perspectives and how people and societies are affected by the media they consume. In her free time, Sylvie enjoys writing poetry, reading, and watching movies. Her favorite books are Madeline Miller’s The Song of Achilles, Catherynne M. Valente’s Deathless, and Charlotte Perkins Gilman’s ‘The Yellow Wallpaper.’ Her favorite movies include The Shining, Casablanca, and Silence of the Lambs, all of which are classics for a reason. Sylvie enjoys analyzing movies through various lenses as Vice President of Bronx Science’s Cinema Theory Club. Two of her poems placed at the CUNY Poetry Competition, with the former receiving Honorable Mention in 2018 and the latter receiving Second Place in 2019.  Sylvie is hoping to study film, specifically screenwriting and editing, in college while also following her passion for poetry and creative writing. 

All content by Sylvie Koenigsberg