Halloween at Bronx Science is always an exciting event – students and staff are encouraged to get creative and dress up, and each year the turnout is absolutely stunning! So many students (and a few teachers) got into costume and character this year, making our school a colorful mixture of both whimsy and fright. Of course, the annual Monster Mash made its return to the cafeteria with music, games, candy, a haunted house, and even a costume contest. We were also able to yet again bear witness to a uniquely Bronx Science phenomenon: ghouls and ghosts and furry animals sitting in class like normal despite their elaborate disguises. After all, nothing gets in the way of the Bronx Science work ethic! Between the homemade costumes, inflatable dinosaur suits, and cute animal ears, Halloween of 2024 was a spooky success.
Highlights from Halloween of 2024
Thursday, October 31st, 2024 was a Halloween to remember!
About the Contributors
Olive Forman-Sarno, Staff Reporter
Olive Forman-Sarno is a Copy Chief for ‘The Science Survey.’ She enjoys journalistic writing because she believes that writing an article is about finding what’s true and sharing it with the world — she has an admiration for the work of muckrakers. Olive finds journalistic photography appealing because anything can be a story, and she intends to capture it, whether it’s a simple sporting event or a political rally. While she does not yet know what she will study in college, Olive is interested in a wide variety of subjects and always wants to learn more. Her hobbies include figure skating, playing the guitar, and making metal jewelry.
Lara Adamjee, Staff Reporter
Lara Adamjee is an Editor-in-Chief for the ‘The Science Survey.’ She enjoys journalistic writing because everyone benefits from it. People read journalism articles when they want to stay informed about current events, research topics that personally interest them, or just learn something new. She finds journalistic photography to be interesting because a photo itself can be a statement or description — despite not stating a word. After school, Lara participates in stage crew for theater. In her free time, she reads comics, specifically sci-fi and mystery, and her current favorite comic is Far Sector. Lara plans to pursue communications in college.
Frances Auth, Staff Reporter
Frances Auth is a Copy Chief for The Science Survey. She edits her peers’ articles, checking for grammatical and structural errors, and builds upon the feedback of other editors. She values journalism because it educates the public on worldly topics in an engaging way. Thus, she enjoys writing about interesting subjects that have the potential to teach people. Frances likes journalistic photography because photos are meant to tell stories, and journalistic photography conflates storytelling and photography in a creative way. Outside of Journalism class, Frances has a passion for research and learning about the world, which has driven her interests on the debate team. She is also on the Girls’ Varsity Cross Country team at Bronx Science. Frances loves reading, and her favorite book is George Orwell’s 1984. Another book that she highly recommends is Orson Scott Card’s Ender’s Game.
Amanda Ro, Staff Reporter
Amanda Ro is a member of the Editor-in-Chief Division for ‘The Science Survey’ and serves as a Managing/Advisory Editor. Amanda appreciates the power of journalism as it provides a window into the world, sharing hidden stories, expressing multiple voices, and capturing unique moments. Amanda is especially interested in writing feature pieces because they allow her to blend storytelling with new insights about interesting places and ideas. Amanda also enjoys visual arts, and she takes her own photos for her articles to capture and share the beauty of a moment. Amanda is a member of the Bronx Science Girls’ Varsity Track team and a Junior Copy Chief for the ‘Reactions Physical Science Journal.’ Other hobbies in which Amanda frequently engages are reading, painting, drawing, writing, listening to music, and traveling the world. With her multiple passions, Amanda does not yet know what the future holds for her and what she would like to study in college. She is certain that she wants to leave New York for college, but she knows she will eventually return to the city.
Isla Mackarell, Staff Reporter
Isla MacKarell is an Arts & Entertainment Editor for ‘The Science Survey.’ She is drawn to journalism because it allows her to always dig for something deeper. Journalism creates an interesting and inspiring atmosphere for writers and readers alike to learn something new or surprising in an attractive way. Especially in the twenty-first century, journalism has taken on a new, stratified definition that doesn’t only include straight reporting, but explores other thought provoking ways to convey a non-fiction topic or idea through detailed and creative language. Not only this, but Isla is fascinated by the many branches of journalism; especially how any topic that interests a writer can be materialized and published in order to spark possible new and exciting interest in a reader. But when Isla is not spending her time writing for the ‘The Science Survey,’ deepening her photojournalism knowledge and skill, or participating in Bronx Science’s Mock Trial Team, she finds joy looking for adventures around New York City with her friends. Isla loves exploring and discovering new and captivating things about the city she grew up in. Although she has almost no idea on what her plans are for college and beyond, Isla knows that after her senior year at Bronx Science, she is curious about pursuing study in a literacy field.
Harper Quill, Staff Reporter
Harper Quill is an Editorial Editor for ‘The Science Survey.’ She finds journalistic reporting appealing because it can often help to uncover the truth, and allows the reporter to discuss interesting topics. She believes that photography helps to add imagery to articles, and makes the story a more fascinating read overall. In the future, Harper hopes to use her writing to shine a light on people and places that are often overlooked. Her favorite types of journalism articles to read are Editorials and Arts and Entertainment pieces. Outside of school, Harper enjoys listening to music and reading books, especially fantasy novels. She is still exploring her options of what she wants to study after high school, but she would like to continue with journalism in the future.
Kaitlyn Toy, Staff Reporter
Kaitlyn Toy is a Graphic Designer and a Student Life Section Editor for ‘The Observatory’ yearbook, as well as a Staff Reporter for ‘The Science Survey’ newspaper. Kaitlyn finds that the most appealing aspect of journalistic writing is its ability to provide a platform for writers to articulate their thoughts and to communicate a wide range of messages to a large audience. She believes that journalism encourages the sharing of diverse thoughts and experiences, allowing similar ideas to unite and differing perspectives to inspire. Kaitlyn has a strong passion for photography. She perceives journalistic photography as a powerful means to convey and evoke deep emotions, capturing moments in time that people can look back on fondly. Similar to writing, photography serves as a medium of expression for Kaitlyn, allowing her to express herself and how she views the world through her lens. During her pastime, Kaitlyn enjoys reading, listening to K-pop, playing games, and spending time with friends and family. Driven by a keen interest for the biological sciences, she strives to enter the medical field and become a pediatrician. Regardless of the path she takes, she hopes to integrate her passions for journalism and photography with her career.
Emilia Linnemann, Staff Reporter
Emilia Linnemann is a Content and Proofreading Editor for ‘The Science Survey.’ She enjoys writing both creatively and analytically, weaving together fact and opinion, when appropriate, to tell the stories of people, places, and events. Emilia enjoys writing on a wide variety of topics. She views every headline as an opportunity to dive deeper into a story and to gain new appreciation for the world. Through her experiences in studying and practicing journalistic photography, she views it as an integral part of being able to reach the audience, in order to create a cohesive article. Outside of writing for ‘The Science Survey,’ Emilia is a huge sports fan; she particularly loves Formula 1, Soccer, and Baseball. An avid reader, some of her favorite books and stories are The Death of Ivan Ilych by Leo Tolstoy, Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen, and The Namesake by Jhumpa Lahiri. Emilia plans on majoring in the fields of Political Science and Philosophy for her undergraduate degree, and she hopes to later attend law school.
Liah Igel, Staff Reporter
Liah Igel is a Copy Chief for ‘The Science Survey’ and also the artist behind ‘The Survey Strip,’ the newspaper’s comic strip. To her, journalism is a form of expression that conveys raw emotion and personal experience — writing allows for different people’s diverse stories to be communicated and appreciated by others, in order to bring light to relevant current events or simply intriguing topics. She views the art of photography as a method of visually demonstrating these sentiments without requiring words, and she is passionate about creating her own art for this reason. When compounded together, she believes that photographs, artwork, and journalistic writing can beautifully portray the essence of an experience. Liah enjoys exploring the realm of science and teaching others chess in her free time, hoping to spread her love for these activities to the future generation. Her favorite book is Tuesdays with Morrie, a philosophical story by Mitch Albom, and her favorite movie is Interstellar, a sci-fi film directed by Christopher Nolan. In the future, Liah hopes to study both science and finance, while continuing to write for her school’s newspaper and pursuing her love for journalism.
Jasiya Chowdhury, Staff Reporter
Jasiya Chowdhury is a Spotlight Editor for ‘The Science Survey.’ Her interest in journalistic writing relates to her love for storytelling and immersing into diverse perspectives that leave you thinking about them the next day. She savors the moments that are captured through photography and the literal and figurative truth that can be captured through each photograph. In her spare time, Jasiya loves to draw, cook, bake, and read, with her favorite genres being psychological horror and romance. As for the future, she has no path set for her, but she hopes that wherever she heads off to for college, there’s a place in her future for writing as well.