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The Science Survey

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The Science Survey

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The Science Survey

March 2024 Advice Column: How to Successfully Manage the ‘Schoolwork / Life Balance’

The Copy Chiefs, Managing Editors, and Editors-in-Chief of ‘The Science Survey’ are here to answer your questions about school, extracurriculars, college, and maintaining healthy friendships.
Alexander Thorp
Here, the Managing Editors, Copy Chiefs, and Editors-in-Chief of ‘The Science Survey,’ the writers of the March 2024 Advice Column, pose for a photo. From left to right are Acadia Bost ’24, Hallel Abrams Gerber ’24, Nehla Chowdhury ’24, Charlotte Zhou ’24, Eilidh Kristen Ince ’24, Ruby Moran ’24, Ella Zheng ’24, Bianca Quddus ’25, Aviv Kotok ’25, and Monica Reilly ’24. Photo Credit: Alexander Thorp

Hello, Bronx Science!

We, the Copy Chiefs, Managing Editors, and Editors-in-Chief of The Science Survey understand how stressful this time of year is for everyone. As such, we’re excited to share our experiences and advice on how to get through the next three and a half months of the Spring semester. All of us have experienced the hardships of physics tests, SATs, and extracurriculars, and want to help everyone going through the same thing. We hope our advice helps! 

Lots of love, 

Hallel Abrams Gerber ’24, Acadia Bost ’24, Nehla Chowdhury ’24, Eilidh Kristen Ince ’24, Aviv Kotok ’25, Ruby Moran ’24, Bianca Quddus ’25, Monica Reilly ’24, Ella Zheng ’24, and Charlotte Zhou ’24

Acadia Bost: How do I catch up in Physics, when I feel like I have been struggling the whole year?

I remember taking physics last year and being so confused and overwhelmed the whole time. Catching up is tough, and I’m well accustomed to the cycle of finally getting ahead of work just to fall behind again. If I were you, here’s what I would do.

1. Label the problem — in what ways are you behind? 

Last year I fell behind on the physics labs (there was a point when I was missing all but three labs — don’t be like me), but for you it might be something different. You could be missing a bunch of homework, be a few weeks behind on class notes, or you might just not understand what’s happening in the class at all. Figure out what you need to catch up on and make a list, but don’t let the list overwhelm you — falling behind happens to everyone and you will get through it. 

2. Make a plan — what do you need to do to catch up? What’s in your way?

When I was behind on labs, one of the reasons it took me so long to get back on track was that I couldn’t finish the labs at home. I had to do them in a classroom if I wanted to get the data. I was generally understanding the material in class, so all I needed to do was sit down and trudge through the labs. I looked through my list and was luckily able to text my lab partner to ask for the data for most of them, but there were a few that I needed to make up in SGI. If you’re behind in homework because you don’t understand the current topic, maybe your solution would be to meet with a more physics-minded friend to go over the unit, or spend some time in SGI and work through it with your teacher. If you’re not understanding what’s going on in class because you don’t connect with your teacher’s style, you could ask around about different physics teachers and reach out to one your friends recommend! In short, find the thing that’s been stopping you and work around it. 

3. Make a schedule  — when can you work on catching up?

I tend to be overambitious with schedules, so I’d recommend trying to accurately plan out how much time you have to work in a given day. For example, if I have debate practice until 5 p.m., an hour-long commute home, and I want to get to bed by 11 p.m., I technically have five hours to work, but with having time to relax, eating dinner and getting ready for bed, I realistically only have three hours. Knowing that, I can budget my time. Try to budget more time for an assignment than you think you’ll need (you can always start the next assignment early if you don’t need all the time, but planning to do twenty assignments in one night and only doing four of them is worse than planning to do three and doing an extra one!). It’s especially nice if you can plan to take a weekend just to work, but that’s not always possible.

4. Communication is key — talk with your teachers throughout this process

Don’t wait till you’ve caught up to talk to your teacher. Most teachers genuinely care about how you’re doing in their class, and if you explain what’s going on and show them your plan, they can offer resources, support, and encouragement! 

5. Execute the plan — and remember done is better than perfect

A good plan is nothing without diligent follow through. My best advice for this is to forget about perfectionism – even if you fall behind schedule, don’t give up. Late is always better than never, and a 75% is always better than a 0%. 

6. Don’t forget about the future — once you’ve gotten caught up, stay caught up

Remember when we labeled the problem that was keeping you behind? Ask yourself if that problem has gone away yet, because chances are, it hasn’t. If a subject is really tough for you, you need to keep working extra hard to stay on top of it. 

The last thing I’ll say, though, is that in the scheme of things, unless you want to be a physicist, physics isn’t going to make or break you. Get through it as best you can, and you’ll be okay.

Bianca Quddus: How do I overcome imposter syndrome at Bronx Science?

Imposter syndrome often lurks in the shadows of achievement, exploiting the gap between one’s perceived abilities and the external validation of success. The initial step in overcoming this pervasive phenomenon involves recognizing its existence and understanding that it does not determine one’s worth or capabilities.

To authentically address imposter syndrome, one should cultivate self-awareness and reflection. Embracing the understanding that learning is a continuous process, and every setback is an opportunity for personal growth. Developing a practice of acknowledging and celebrating small victories, regardless of how inconsequential they may seem, is crucial. It is important to shift the focus from an elusive pursuit of perfection to a tangible sense of progress, recognizing that mistakes serve as stepping stones toward expertise.

Building a supportive network of peers and mentors who can share their experiences and offer valuable perspectives reinforces the notion that challenges are a universal part of the journey toward success.

Moreover, adopting a mindset that prioritizes the learning process over an unrealistic quest for perfection is essential. Acknowledging that setbacks and failures are intrinsic aspects of academic development and do not diminish one’s inherent worth or potential is crucial. Actively seeking feedback as a constructive tool for improvement rather than a critique of abilities is a positive approach. Additionally, placing importance on self-care to maintain a harmonious balance between academic pursuits and personal well-being is imperative. Sufficient rest, proper nutrition, and dedicated leisure time are not indulgences, but rather essential elements for sustained academic success.

Ruby Moran: How do we manage our time with SATs, extracurriculars, and school, as well as our personal lives?

Juggling all of these things is going to be stressful, especially if it’s approached in a disorganized fashion. The first thing to do is to look at your schedule and find which parts of it are flexible and which are non-negotiable. This is especially important if you have additional responsibilities at home, like taking care of a sibling, and need to account for the amount of time these responsibilities take throughout your day. 

Extracurriculars already follow an established schedule, so take the time to list out the ones you’re interested in participating in and take careful note of what days and times they take place on. If there are a few that overlap with your non-negotiables, try and find activities that can be more easily accommodated into your personal schedule rather than trying to find a difficult loop to fit the activity in. 

 The SAT is a little different, and can best be compared to how you study for your regular classes than finding space for activities. The SAT is in three parts: reading, writing, and math. The first thing to do to maximize your study time is to identify which of these three you most struggle with, which will become the main part you study. Once what you want to study has been established, you can work on how to accomplish that. 

Oftentimes you’ll find yourself stuck trying to fit in SAT prep with homework, extracurriculars, studying, and your home life, so try and pick a day or a few days out of the week where you might be able to expect a lull in this chaos. Weekends are usually a good place to start, where you have more time to finish your schoolwork and sit down to try and practice some SAT questions. If this doesn’t really work for you, the next best thing is to, depending on how much time you have until your exam, experiment with different times that you could work with. 

Finally, we need to give attention to our personal lives. It’s easy to find yourself buried underneath all your academic responsibilities, but it’s important to find time to enjoy some leisure time as well. If you’re mostly looking for the chance to go outside and spend a nice day out with friends, the weekend is the best time to organize this. The school week is already dominated by your time in the building and the time you might take studying and/or completing homework, it’s best to just wait until you can clear up your day and go out.

Indoor activities, such as personal hobbies or just relaxing, can definitely fit into the rest of your week. You can reward yourself with an episode or two after homework, or designate a certain time of your day to do something you like to rest and unwind after a stressful day. 

Charlotte Zhou: What’s the best way to study for Advanced Placement Exams in May?

Advanced Placement exams require a strong grasp of key concepts and on how to form connections between different topics, rather than memorizing hyper-specific details. Since they involve a lot of content (and not a lot of time), it’s important to start studying early.

First, make a study plan or to-do list. Identify the topics you already know, and which you need to review or seek more help with. It’s often helpful to create a schedule and organize your studying based on when your exams are. 

Second, make your own study guide, but don’t just copy your teacher’s slideshows or your friend’s Quizlet word for word — instead, try to structure your studying in a way that is most effective for you. This could mean drawing out diagrams, breaking down practice problems step by step, or paraphrasing historical timelines. There’s no right answer; in fact, it depends on the subject. For history classes, it’s more important to recall causes and effects, changes and continuities, and why these shifts occurred. On the other hand, for math and science classes, practice problems are key. 

Third, take advantage of your resources. Review old homework and exam problems, since you may see similar problems on the A.P. Exam. Your teachers will likely have in-class or SGI review sessions, which are great opportunities to ask questions and target your studying to topics you struggle with. There is also a wide range of YouTube channels that may come in more handy during AP season (for example, Heimler’s History for APUSH, World, and Euro, and Professor Dave Explains or the Organic Chemistry Tutor for math and science). Be proactive — it’ll pay off!

Aviv Kotok: How do I make friends? How do you identify between good friends and bad friends?

At a school as large as Bronx Science, meeting new people and making friends might seem intimidating. Well, I have good news for you – it is easier than you think. With roughly 750 students per grade, there will likely be a person out there who has similar interests as you. The only obstacle is the possibility that your schedules do not align and you might not interact with one another during school hours. The solution is get involved in extracurricular activities. 

Joining clubs or sports teams allows you to meet people with similar hobbies and interests, and otherwise, your paths may never cross. One of the best decisions that I made during my ninth grade year at Bronx Science was joining the lacrosse team. At first, I was nervous because I only knew one person on the team, but I quickly learned how friendly everyone was, and I made amazing friends with people from all grades. If sports aren’t your thing, Bronx Science has many cultural clubs where you can surround yourself with people you can relate to. Not only will you open up your social circle, but these clubs also have exciting events you can attend throughout the year that can be a great way to destress and connect with your culture.

If you can’t afford to spend more time at school after hours, another way to make friends is by socializing with those who have the same commute as you do. The first friends that I made at Bronx Science were the people who took the same bus as me. The plus side of becoming friendly with the people on your daily commute is that no matter what, you can always rely on the fact that you will be able to spend quality time with one another. 

If you find yourself doubtful about whether or not your friend is a good one or a bad one, the simplest thing you can do is evaluate your communication with one another. Ask yourself: when does this person text me? Do they only reach out for favors? Have they ever asked a simple “How are you doing?” or “How was your weekend?” How long has it been since we’ve talked face-to-face? If you’ve established that maybe you and your friend are drifting apart, it might be best to move on and find people who put in an effort to spend time with you. 

Eilidh Kristen Ince: Is going undecided (in terms of your major) in college really a bad thing?

If you’re a senior who has applied to college, or a junior preparing to apply for college, you’ve probably thought about this question: What major should I apply for? Deciding on what you want to spend the next years of your life studying is a daunting decision, and with the hundreds of majors that colleges offer, it can seem impossible to choose. There is always the option of applying undecided. However, there is a stigma that many associate with an “undecided” or “undeclared” major. So is going undecided/undeclared in college really a bad thing? The short answer: No!

Starting with the simple facts: An estimated 20-50% of students apply to college with an undeclared major, and over one in three students end up changing their major at least once within their first three years. Generally, applying undecided does not hurt your chances of getting into college. 

When deciding on a major, think of answering these questions: Do I see myself working in this field in the future? Am I comfortable with the workload required for this major? Do I see myself succeeding and enjoying my life in college under this major? If you can’t answer these questions with certainty, applying undecided might be a good option for you. Applying undecided gives you the ability to explore your academic options during your first year. Students with undecided majors enroll in general education classes during their first year of college, which lets them get to know different areas of study, and then make a more informed decision of what major they want to pursue. 

Applying undecided can also be a strategic choice for people who do know what they want to major in, typically when they don’t quite have the GPA to get in. Going in without a declared major allows you to work past a lower GPA by obtaining good grades in your first year classes, and later transferring into your major of choice. 

There are, of course, a few cons. Going undecided means you won’t have as many major-specific courses in your first year or two, which to some may feel like a less focused approach to college. Additionally, going into college with a major does allow the possibility of building connections in your field of study within the first year. 

Applying to college with an undecided major may not be the right fit for everyone, but for many it provides the best path. My advice to you: if applying undecided seems like the best option for you, go for it! Ignore the stigma that some hold with the “undecided major”- it all depends on what fits you, and only you, the best. 

Ella Zheng: How can I stop procrastinating constantly when I try to self-study?

Procrastination is a common struggle for many Bronx Science students, especially studying the day before an exam and cramming weeks of knowledge in a night. I know many peers who start studying the day before the test. They start studying class notes, AP classroom videos, and multiple choice/free response question practice until 2 A.M. or later. This procrastinated study routine is not a healthy habit for your health or your grades. It’s hard to change, but start studying early so that you will be able to ace all your future exams.

Think about the importance of studying and exams compared to social media or games. I believe in working hard and then playing hard. Think of those alternatives as a reward for your hardworking effort. Wouldn’t you be happier if you got the job done first and then had free time afterward without having anything to worry about? 

Your teachers will give you a heads-up on when exams are coming up, so note all the dates in your planner, because exams usually follow one after the other in the same week. The hardest step in overcoming procrastination is to put your distractions away. Put your phone away, turn off all the notifications, and close irrelevant tabs! I usually turn my phone off, put it out of my sight, and open a fresh new window on my computer’s browser. Study in a clean and quiet place so that you can focus. I know how frustrating it is when you have siblings at home who are constantly annoying you. Then, start with a to-do list containing what topics you need to review for the test so that you have a goal. Also, study in intervals! I often study in 45-minute intervals before taking a small break to get a snack or play a song before going back to studying. The break time will give you the motivation and concentration to continue studying.

At the end of the day, procrastination hurts your grades and your future. It is essential to force yourself to get rid of that habit one step at a time, so start today! Don’t leave it for tomorrow!

Hallel Abrams Gerber: How do I handle the change in difficulty from sophomore to junior year?

Dale Carnegie once said, “Today is the tomorrow you worried about yesterday.” With time, what we thought was incredibly daunting usually grows more attainable and manageable. We just need to get there first. The transition between sophomore and junior year is what you make of it. You are taking more rigorous classes, and there is an influx of standardized tests and magnified extracurricular responsibilities. It sounds daunting and can feel that way, too, but there are strategies to make it easier. 

It all comes down to time, making the most of the hours you have in the day. Junior year is particularly painful for those prone to procrastination, so maximizing the time you have to work is crucial, as is limiting distractions.

One skill is time-blocking, dividing your day into sections of time devoted exclusively to certain tasks. One block might be for an extracurricular, and another might be reserved exclusively for your math homework. This prevents your ‘To-Do’ list from growing rapidly by providing you with concrete tasks to do along with deadlines. Another is task-batching: grouping similar, smaller tasks together and scheduling for a specific time. You then do not have to switch between different contexts or skillsets, which can be draining. A third is time-boxing, in which you give yourself a set amount of time to complete a task. This is a little bit of a challenge to galvanize you towards productivity. Once you can escape the perfectionism inhibiting your ability to start, the work grows more achievable.

If you are struggling with particular course content, go to your teacher’s SGI. They will make the time to break down the concepts you may have missed in class and without the limit on time there is in class. Asking is not a sign that you are not smart enough. It is a sign that you care, and your teachers will especially appreciate this as they consider whose recommendations to write. You can also request an NHS tutor, who will be a junior or senior well-versed in your specific class who can help to guide you through it. 

You have made it this far through Bronx Science. You can do it, and you get to ask for help without shame. 

Monica Reilly: What is senior year like for the seniors at Bronx Science?

Senior year at Bronx Science will look different for everyone. Some choose to take five Advanced Placement classes, while others have a more laid-back schedule. Regardless, there are certain key events that happen for everyone. While the idea of applying to colleges and keeping your academics in check can seem intimidating, your guidance counselor will send a steady stream of e-mails on important deadlines and opportunities. 

Many Bronx Science students either submit college applications as Early Action (EA) or Early Decision (ED), which usually have deadlines ranging from early October to the end of November. Your guidance counselor will meet with you at least once or twice during this time period in order to get ideas for your supplemental essays, to help you edit your personal essay, and to figure out which schools you should apply to early. Bronx Science will provide a number of valuable resources during this time period. One is Project Accepted, in which you meet with Bronx Science alumni for mock interviews and listen to admissions officers give advice on college applications. There is also the Supplemental Review program, which allows you to submit supplemental essay drafts to alumni or current students at whatever college you are applying to. These alumni give great feedback from their own personal experiences, making your essays even stronger. 

Once you get your applications in and start to hear back from some of those schools, it’s time to start thinking about Regular Decision (RD). Once again you will have meetings with your guidance counselor to generate ideas for supplemental essays or receive feedback on previously completed ones. Bronx Science will also do another round of Supplemental Review for your RD applications. Around April, once you have heard back from every college you applied to, you will discuss which college is right for you with your guidance counselor. 

But senior year isn’t all about college. In senior year, you often have more space in your schedule to choose classes more geared toward your personal interests, whether that is Physics C or Animal Behavior. The Senior Council also organizes fun events like Senior Sunrise, where all the seniors meet at Harris Field to watch the sunrise, or Bronxtoberfest, where seniors had the chance to decorate pumpkins or wrap teachers in toilet paper (with their permission!). 

While senior year can seem daunting – and at times it certainly can be – you don’t have to go through it on your own. You will have your guidance counselor helping you every step of the way, access to the vast Bronx Science alumni network, camaraderie with your senior peers who are going through the same things, and fun, senior-specific events. No matter how worried you may feel about college applications and AP classes, you will get through it alongside all of the support you have been given. 

Nehla Chowdhury: How should we plan life after high school and college?

Life after graduation is a scary thought. It’s your first real foray into adulthood. Rent, bills – all of the rigmarole of adulthood become imminently more real. The future is a series of question marks, many of which you might not find a quick nor easy answer to (such as how to file your taxes). Luckily, there are a few things you can do to make planning for life after high school and college easier! 

Let’s take this one step at a time and focus on life immediately after high school. First, lay out the specifics. Are you headed off to pursue higher education, or are you immediately off to start working? Are you living with your parents, or moving out on your own? If you do move out, are you staying in a college dorm, or renting an apartment? What about pets, or roommates? I’d recommend making an organizer filled with plans of what it is that you’ll need during the transition from high school graduation to adulthood. Do the same thing with college, but this time take into account what future expenses you may expect to run into as you transition to life post-college after graduation. 

Next up, evaluate what skills you have. By skills, I mean things such as cooking and changing car tires. These skills are fundamental as an adult, even if you think they might not be entirely necessary. For example, a plethora of people are incredibly confused on how to use can openers. This may not seem like an important skill to be worried over, but it could most definitely come in handy in a pinch. Read up on what skills you may need for the future, and make sure to learn how to do them! 

Always, always, always look at general costs of living and the minimum wage in the area you might live in the future. Realistically, you’re probably not going to be making much money right after graduation, so it’s imperative you have a general ballpark as to your expenses. Do you need a car? How much do well-made pots and pans cost? What about heating costs? These small things are instrumental into planning out your life for the future. 

Remember, there is no perfect way to plan for the future. The future is always changing, as new obstacles being thrown at us day by day. Planning for the future, often, proves futile. However, there is still some merit in, at the very least, knowing what you may be faced with in the future. Just take it all one step at a time.

We’re excited to share our experiences and advice on how to get through the next four months of the Spring semester.

About the Contributors
Monica Reilly, Staff Reporter
Monica Reilly is an Editor-in-Chief for ‘The Science Survey.' She has always loved using the art of journalism to educate and connect with people. She prioritizes the voices that are often unheard in our world. She loves writing on topics about which she is passionate, as well as on issues that impact people throughout the world. She believes that good journalism and good journalistic photography can make you view the world through someone else’s eyes. Outside of writing articles, she enjoys reading, dancing, and listening to music. In college, Monica hopes to pursue a career in the liberal arts as well as to continue to engage with music and journalism on the side.
Hallel Abrams Gerber, Staff Reporter
Hallel Abrams Gerber is an Editor-in-Chief for ‘The Science Survey,’ using her writing to represent a myriad of social issues and innovations, bolster communities, and educate others. She relishes the chance to think creatively, share her perspective, and convey important messages. She uses journalistic photography to capture significant moments and allow them to stand and speak for themselves. She is fascinated by the intricacies, hidden details, and vibrant colors that all come together to make a photograph. When not in school or at Speech and Debate practice, Hallel can be found reading, with friends, or volunteering at her local community center. Hallel is still contemplating her future career trajectory, but she is enthralled by the fields of psychology and social science research and with editing, which she is lucky enough to partake in for this publication, aiding others in the finding of their own voices and narratives.
Acadia Bost, Staff Reporter
Acadia Bost is a returning Editor-in-Chief for ‘The Science Survey.’ Placing an emphasis in their writing on the more structural, long term problems New Yorkers experience, they hope to push systemic issues closer to mainstream consciousness. Beyond the socio-political, Acadia is also deeply interested in film and media, and plans to continue writing about movies and music from a queer perspective. As an Editor-in-Chief, they perform in-depth edits of their peers' articles, often working with them over the course of the year to encourage the development of their individual voice as a writer. Outside of school, Acadia spends most of their time walking around the city with their close friends, watching films and reading. They plan to study journalism and social work in college, and eventually plan to live in the city working as a reporter and editor.
Nehla Chowdhury, Staff Reporter
Nehla Chowdhury is an Editor-in-Chief for 'The Science Survey,' as well as a Social Media Editor. Nehla enjoys researching topics for their articles, as well as sharing their observations with large numbers of people. One thing they find appealing about journalistic photos is how they can tell stories to people without using words. Some interests that Nehla has are reading, researching various cold cases, and listening to music. Nehla intends to focus on history in college, as well as pursuing women's, gender, and sexuality studies.
Eilidh Ince, Staff Reporter
Eilidh Ince is a Copy Chief and Social Media Manager for 'The Science Survey.' Eilidh enjoys using journalism as a platform to express her passions, interests, and hobbies. Her passion for photography comes from her mother, who studied photography in university. Outside of school, she loves art, science, and watching hockey. Eilidh plans to study biology in college and wants to go into the scientific research field after graduation.  She hopes to continue to pursue photography and journalism while in college.
Ruby Moran, Staff Reporter
Ruby Moran is a Copy Chief for ‘The Science Survey.’ She believes that journalistic writing is essential for educating the public on crucial issues affecting all types of communities around the world. She enjoys a multitude of creative hobbies such as prose writing and creating visual artwork, as well volunteering in her free time. Ruby plans on continuing her volunteer work to advocate for environmental issues and marginalized voices in creative fields. In college, she is interested in studying business administration. She hopes for a future in which she continues to pursue what she loves while creating positive change for future generations.
Ella Zheng, Staff Reporter
Ella Zheng is a Managing and Advisory Manager and Instagram Editor for ‘The Science Survey.’ She finds passion in writing stories that inform, educate, and entertain the public. Ella finds the field of journalism to be especially appealing because of its ability to show what is happening on the other side of the world. Outside of school, Ella can be found playing table tennis, volunteering, crocheting, or hanging out with friends. She is interested in the field of environmental engineering and marketing. Through the communication and writing skills that she has developed in the Journalism class, Ella hopes to use these skills in her future career and in supporting her community.
Charlotte Zhou, Staff Reporter
Charlotte Zhou is an Editor-in-Chief for ‘The Science Survey.’ In addition to writing and editing articles, she constructs the online crossword and weekly newsletter. To her, journalistic writing acts as a magnifying glass into underrepresented issues. She particularly enjoys covering current events in different countries around the world, and views journalism as a way to diversify perspective and discourse. Charlotte also loves writing local spotlights, specifically those involving different cultures and ethnic communities around New York City. Regardless of the story, she finds importance in photojournalism because it reveals unseen realities and captures the emotions that words cannot. Beyond writing for 'The Science Survey,' Charlotte captains the Mock Trial and Moot Court team and is an editor for the 'Bronx Science Law Journal.' In her free time, she enjoys reading and trying new cuisines with friends. She plans on pursuing law and economics in college, but hopes to study global development as well. Regardless of where her future studies take her, she knows that she will keep on writing.
Aviv Kotok, Staff Reporter
Aviv Kotok is a Copy Chief and Social Media Editor for ‘The Science Survey.’ She finds that the most appealing part of journalistic writing is the research involved in producing an article since it allows her to delve deeper into a topic in which she is interested. Her favorite topics to report on are music and sports. She loves journalistic photography because it gives her the ability to capture different viewpoints from varying perspectives. Outside of school, Aviv is found crocheting, reading, playing lacrosse, listening to music and playing musical instruments, or spending time with her friends and family. She is not certain as to what she will pursue after high school, but she aims to explore the intersection of STEM and humanities and hopes to incorporate journalism in this process.
Bianca Quddus, Staff Reporter
Bianca Quddus is a Managing Editor and Advisory Editor for ‘The Science Survey’ who enjoys writing about culture and the arts. The aspect that she most loves about journalism is its emphasis on informative and creative storytelling. Bianca also recognizes her opportunity as a journalist to amplify the voice of those often forgotten. She believes that journalistic photography is a fundamental part to journalistic writing as it adds depth to the stories and brings them to life, telling what couldn’t be told in words alone. Bianca is a passionate clarinetist and a student at the Juilliard Music Advancement Program. Bianca wishes to study the intersections between music and the brain and music cognition. In her free time, Bianca enjoys reading, cooking for friends and family, watching old movies, and going to concerts.