We've got the news down to a science!

The Science Survey

We've got the news down to a science!

The Science Survey

We've got the news down to a science!

The Science Survey

Ryan Ahmed, Staff Reporter

Ryan Ahmed is a Managing Editor for 'The Science Survey.' He wants to uplift communities and provide unique insight on current events around the globe through journalism. Ryan believes that journalism is a medium that can amplify voices of those who are voiceless and speak truth to power in our democratic society by bringing people together around the insights of each other's stories. Along with that, he believes that photography enhances innovative freedom, especially when integrated with written articles. He hopes to reflect these values in both photojournalism and journalistic writing through his own publications, as well as those of other reporters at ‘The Science Survey.’ Ryan’s passion for writing extends to having his 70-page book on social behavior and psychology, ‘A Wonderful State of Mind,’ published to support those who want to escape “safety pillows” in life. Beyond writing, he leads translational data-to-policy research at the International Socioeconomics Laboratory where his organization’s efforts have received an official commendation from the Centers of Disease Control and Prevention and has been cited with the National Science Foundation for analysis on social mobility. Through this work, he strives to provide domestic and international elected-officials and public institutions with a better understanding of interdisciplinary approaches to combating issues around the world through evidence-based decision making. Ryan's passion towards understanding social economics extends to his dedication towards equitable healthcare, as he was selected as one of twelve students in the country to present at the Society of Public Health Education United States Congressional Summit. In the future, Ryan hopes to study medicine and socioeconomics to integrate into his practice as a Physician-Scientist serving underfunded districts.

All content by Ryan Ahmed