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We've got the news down to a science!

The Science Survey

We've got the news down to a science!

The Science Survey

We've got the news down to a science!

The Science Survey

Olivia Wronski, Staff Reporter

Olivia Wronski is a Features Editor for ‘The Science Survey.' She finds that journalistic writing is a great way to tell the stories of unique individuals and groups, which is why she enjoys writing features the most. Writing their stories allows Olivia to take part in providing a platform for groups and individuals to be heard. For her, the most appealing part about taking journalistic photography is that it provides an interesting visual accompaniment to the narrative of an article, which allows readers to further immerse themselves into the article and really enjoy reading it. Outside of school, Olivia likes to enjoy nature at parks, draw, and play video games in her free time. She plans to somehow find a way to pursue journalism and photography along with pursuing an education in environmental studies or sustainability in college. She sees herself writing journalistic articles for topics related to the environment and environmental activism. After college, she is interested in working on green development and sustainability for businesses and communities. In ten years, Olivia imagines herself to be working as an environmental specialist or environmental manager for a company. 

All content by Olivia Wronski