We've got the news down to a science!

The Science Survey

We've got the news down to a science!

The Science Survey

We've got the news down to a science!

The Science Survey

Lauren Handler, Staff Reporter

Lauren Handler is a Graphic Designer for ‘The Science Survey’ and a Academics Section Reporter for the Bronx Science yearbook, ‘The Observatory.’ She believes that journalistic writing is important for the public to understand and filter important information to make them better citizens. She has practiced photography for three years, but is still teaching herself new skills to express the meaning of each photo more effectively. She find the ability to show others a story through a single image is extremely fascinating and exciting. She moderates an app, Studying Amino, in her spare time where she also runs a blog about study skills and “aesthetically pleasing notes” under the name studebud. Lauren is also a part of the Lunar Production Club, Bioethics Club, and the Badminton Team, as well as a volunteer at the Spence Chapin Adoption Agency. While she plans on studying neuroscience/pre-medicine in college, she loves exercising her creativity. She plans on doing so by both continuing her blog and improving her graphic design skills.

All content by Lauren Handler