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The Science Survey

We've got the news down to a science!

The Science Survey

We've got the news down to a science!

The Science Survey

Jason Cheung, Staff Reporter

Jason Cheung is a News Section Editor for ‘The Science Survey’ and a People Section Reporter for ‘The Observatory.’ He enjoys doing journalistic writing because it not only lets his voice be heard, but also allows him to research and learn about new topics for articles. He likes taking action photos, as it takes many attempts before he gets one that he is satisfied with, and it is a way for him to challenge himself. Outside of school, he loves to read books, learn computer languages, and beat his own high score in Tetris, repeatedly. His favourite book is a toss up between Haruki Murakami’s ‘Norwegian Wood’ and M.T. Anderson’s ‘Feed.’ He plans to major in Computer Science in college in order to pursue a career as a software engineer. In ten years, he sees himself as an independent developer. He is also interested in trying to write and publish novels and short stories on the side.

All content by Jason Cheung
Andrew Chow ’19 believes that more regulation on antibiotic prescription is essential for fighting the growth of super-bugs, “Oversubscribing just speeds up the process of creating a new line of super-bugs.”

No Cure Yet

Jason Cheung, Staff Reporter
June 30, 2019
Supporting the advancement of artificial intelligence, Areebah Qutub ’21 said, “I think its really important for the advancement of society in general.”

Automated Service Industry

Jason Cheung, Staff Reporter
June 30, 2019
Labiba Hasan ’19 wants to spend more time with her family and be more socially active with her friends. “I plan to take better care of myself first so I can care about others,” said Hasan.

Setting Goals for The New Year

Jason Cheung, Staff Reporter
January 15, 2019
Imtiaz Rahman 19 believes that self-driving cars have a place in our future, but perhaps they are not for public use.

Self-Driving Cars

Jason Cheung, Staff Reporter
November 1, 2018
Nelson Zheng supports supervision over young children who are allowed to watch YouTube.

YouTube’s Rocky Start

Jason Cheung, Staff Reporter
May 7, 2018
Tahira Hasan ’19 believes that the digital pills have the potential to benefit patients, but that the technology is currently too exploitable.

Big Brother in Biomedicine

Jason Cheung, Staff Reporter
March 4, 2018
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