Manhattan Above the Treetops


Isaac Rjavinski

The twin peaks of The San Remo, an Upper West Side Manhattan apartment building, are an iconic view from the reservoir.

The Manhattan skyline is one of the most iconic elements of our beautiful city, even in ugly times. Despite how empty and desolate the city might look when one is walking down a once busy commercial street, due to the Coronavirus pandemic, the tops of Midtown’s skyscrapers soar above the treetops of Central Park. Hopefully this too shall pass, and we shall overcome.

Here are a few pictures of Manhattan’s buildings that I took in Central Park (as always, taking care to maintain social distance and to cover my nose and mouth with a mask).

Midtown – these skyscrapers are pretty from the other boroughs but far prettier from across the water at the heart of Manhattan. (Isaac Rjavinski)
Pre-war and post-war construction meet for a view across the lake. (Isaac Rjavinski)
New York City is not just all skyscrapers and glass as these home-y buildings illustrate. (Isaac Rjavinski)
A church spire peeks out from above the trees into the classic, overcast sky. (Isaac Rjavinski)
New construction is on pause during the Coronavirus pandemic, and we’re all looking forward to the completion of our goals! (Isaac Rjavinski)
A baseball field frames the Upper West Side beyond it. (Isaac Rjavinski)
A similar focus, but a new angle of The San Remo, a tribute to how some things are pretty in any perspective. (Isaac Rjavinski)
Another baseball field – eerily empty from the poor weather this past Friday, May 29, 2020. (Isaac Rjavinski)
Lastly, behind the trees is a Mount Sinai medical office. We salute all of the medical personnel who work tirelessly to make our city healthy again! (Isaac Rjavinski)