An Open Letter to the Class of 2020 During the Coronavirus Pandemic
One of the many senior events of the 2019-2020 academic year, the Senior Scream, celebrated the end of many college application deadlines. It was a moment of unity, allowing the Senior Class of 2020 to scream out their frustrations and continue their final year with a weight off their shoulders.
Nobody thought that our senior year would end up this way.
For the past three to four years, many of us dreamed of the day that all of our hard work and sleepless nights would pay off. We were excited for the plethora of upcoming events — the thrill of Assassins, the infamous Spork Wars, the weeks cluttered with Senior Spirit Days leading up to prom and graduation. We were nervous to see which colleges we would get into, and ready to cherish moments with the friends whom we made over the course of these past four years.
Suddenly, without much notice, all of what we were looking forward to skidded to a stop. COVID-19 has put a halt to all the events that we were looking forward to, cutting our time short with the classmates with whom we wished to spend our final months of high school. The whole situation is deeply unsettling and unfair, and throughout all the chaos, many of us have forgotten that we must to look for the light amidst all of the darkness.
Due to the necessity of social distancing due to the Coronavirus pandemic, we have lost many of our Spring 2020 events this year, but we have also gained an invaluable experience. By losing so much, we have learned to be thankful for all of the memories we were able to have during the past three and a half years. The small moments with friends — the fits of laughter, the bizarre inside jokes, the occasions of talking about anything and everything, and the ability to simply be beside them, take on a new poignancy. All students at Bronx Science are now beginning to understand the importance of cherishing these little moments. We are moving and we are growing, but no one knows when we will see one another again in person. It is a harsh way to learn to appreciate those around us, but it is effective, nonetheless.
“It was best said by A.A. Milne’s ‘Winnie the Pooh’; I’ve realized how lucky I am to have something that makes saying goodbye so hard,” said Sazida Marzia ’20, in respect to the friendships that she has made at Bronx Science. This is a mentality that many seniors have adopted, as they are deciding to reminisce on better times rather than focusing on the unfortunate present. In a time of panic and melancholy, this is one mindset that reinforces a sense of positivity. No matter how difficult times may become, those good memories will always exist, and they will be there for us to look back on. It is beneficial for all of us to remember that even if things look bleak, good moments are there, and they will return, eventually.
As a matter of fact, the Senior Council for the Class of 2020 is working hard to make future plans for when quarantine rules relax, so that the Seniors of the Class of 2020 can make up for the lost time and memories. While nothing is completely set in stone due to the uncertain nature of how the Coronavirus pandemic will play out in the months and years to come, it is our fervent hope that matters the most. We have lost many opportunities this year, but we should not and will not let that stop us from achieving all that we can during this time of crisis; we are a part of a generation that keeps pushing forwards despite the many challenges that have been thrown our way.
Seniors, we need to believe in ourselves more than ever during this difficult time. It is natural and proper that we should let ourselves feel upset for all that we have lost, and we should remind ourselves that we are more than our lowest moments. We should be proud of ourselves because we did it — we made it through high school, and we still have a full life’s journey ahead of us. We are strong people, we are smart people, and we will be going far in the future.
Class of 2020, regardless of what the future holds, I believe in us!
“It was best said by A.A. Milne’s ‘Winnie the Pooh’; I’ve realized how lucky I am to have something that makes saying goodbye so hard,” said Sazida Marzia ’20.
Arona Islam is a Senior Staff Reporter for ‘The Science Survey’ and the Editor-in-Chief for ‘The Observatory.’ Journalism has become a passion...