Border Crisis
U.S Mexico border policies end in deaths
Kai McCormick and Ruby Hogue, ‘20 shared their views on President Trump’s immigration policies with us.
Thousands of families are fleeing their homes in Mexico to come to the United States, many of them running from danger in an attempt to better their lives and those of their children. Desperation, urgency, and fear define their plight, but of a better life hope keeps them going.
The U.S. – Mexico border has faced high tensions over the past few years. Men, women, and children have suffered tremendously under the pressure of the United States government. More specifically, since the beginning of his campaign, President Donald Trump, has pushed for a hands-on approach to completely barring migrants from entering the United States.
“It’s just crazy; people shouldn’t be dying because of our government,” said Kai McCormick ’20.
Trump’s zero tolerance policy differs from previous policies proposed by our previous president. For instance, former President Obama advocated for treatment that would aid immigrants such as DACA (Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals). On the other hand, until President Trump’s recent speech regarding the government shutdown, his speeches have mostly consisted of the same sentiment. The strategy of alienating groups of people by empowering nationalist and patriotic ideas has been proven successful of promoting hate. This promotes Trump’s agenda and reflects his values on Hispanic people, as he has expressed continuously, “They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists.” The recent death of a child at the U.S. – Mexico border has reignited the immensely divisive conversation about the treatment of people attempting to enter the United States. An eight years old migrant child from Guatemala was detained at the border and died in U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) custody. This was followed by the death of a seven years old Guatemalan girl. A total of twenty-two people in total have died under ICE custody. These statistics evoke emotions within the Bronx Science community. “It’s just crazy; people shouldn’t be dying because of our government,” said Kai McCormick ’20.
Vulnerable children are being held in crowded facilities for extended periods of time. This imprisoning of children poses a serious threat to their mental and physical health. According to a conservative opinion, detaining children would eliminate parents’ motivation to cross the border.
This ideology encompasses limiting asylum seekers as well. Some, fueled and empowered by the words of President Donald Trump, hold the view that immigrants are the enemy. There is the stigma that these people will steal jobs and are criminals. Regardless of political affiliation, it is particularly terrifying to witness the lack of empathy regarding this prominent issue. The question of what is humane and moral means something different for every person. The situation has worsened, and with that, the debate between Democrats and Republicans on how to handle the situation has become more aggressive. The endless and emotional discussion on how to deal with fellow humans is controversial, as expected.
Jonathan Munoz ’20 has some valuable insight on the manner. “Seeing it first hand in Mexico, the opportunities available are scarce,” said Munoz.
When people are in ICE custody, they are treated in a way that many consider absolutely inhumane. The new policies that President Trump has embedded include attempting to deter immigrants from coming to the United States as efficiently as possible. “Building the Wall” was one of Trump’s main points during his presidential campaign. There have been movements initiated by people who do not support Trump’s policies and the way they have been carried out. The “Abolish ICE” movement, started by Democrats is a clear demonstration of anger at the Trump administration and the way people fuel these feelings into protest. Criticism of this protest comes in multiple forms. “It’s so unsettling to me that people push away those who need help. There’s this lack of empathy, of human connection that makes me fear for the way that humans interact with each other,” says Ruby Hogue ’20. It is clear that this debate will continue to persevere in the current political climate of our country.
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