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We've got the news down to a science!

The Science Survey

We've got the news down to a science!

The Science Survey

We've got the news down to a science!

The Science Survey

Sophia Birman, Staff Reporter

Sophia Birman is a member of the Editor-in-Chief division of ‘The Science Survey,’ where she serves as a Managing Editor and Advisory Editor. In addition to writing articles herself, she edits many of her peers’ pieces. She thoroughly enjoys the thought-provoking research and meaning behind journalistic writing that produces captivating stories. She believes that journalistic writing is a key to spreading awareness, not only about monumental events, but also about seemingly insignificant stories that paint a bigger picture of society as a whole. Furthermore, Sophia is enthusiastic about photojournalism, as she believes that photos can truly make a writing piece come to life, and provide a new perspective. Outside of journalism, Sophia enjoys skiing, traveling, and debating. She also has a deep passion for learning about current events, particularly regarding international relations. As a result, she relishes the ability to spread information regarding these events through journalistic writing. She is ultimately fascinated by foreign policy and thus plans to study international relations in college.

All content by Sophia Birman