We've got the news down to a science!

The Science Survey

We've got the news down to a science!

The Science Survey

We've got the news down to a science!

The Science Survey

Serena Wu, Staff Reporter

Serena Wu is a Chief Graphic Designer for ‘The Science Survey’ and ‘The Observatory.’ Serena has often pondered the many mysteries humans have bestowed on their planet; its simplicity but contrasting complexity creates a sense of juxtaposition that truly interests her. Serena feels that journalism provides an outlet for those who cannot have their voices heard to be heard through a more eloquent and nondiscriminatory frame. Serena believes that even in the midst of all the polarization in the community, journalism reigns supreme as an unbiased source of information. In addition to exercising her First Amendment rights and speaking freely about topics that that she strongly believe in, Serena has also found refuge through the medium of photos. She believes that photography is a unique form of art that words cannot possibly describe. In her free time, Serena likes to explore New York City and visit exotic food destinations; she has tried everything from Korean octopus known as san-nakji to delicious Indian chicken curry with fresh baked naan bread. Serena believes that food is best enjoyed slowly with friends and family and thus, always tries to make time for her loved ones. Serena plans on pursuing a Psychology degree in college and hopes to be able to flourish wherever life may take her.

All content by Serena Wu

Barry Mazur ’54

Serena Wu, Staff Reporter
May 30, 2018
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