Sarah Lydon, Staff Reporter
Sarah Lydon is a Spotlight Section Editor for 'The Science Survey.' She is interested in journalistic writing as she places a high value on keeping the public informed about current events. She believes that good journalism seeks to shed light on important events, people, and opinions. Her favorite aspect about journalism is getting the opportunity to interview people from school or the broader community, because their individual experiences are irreplaceable. Journalistic photography entices her, as she is intrigued by the narratives that single photos can tell. She believes that even though photos catch someone's image in only a split second, they are capable of revealing a breadth of details about someone's life. In her opinion, words alone cannot convey all the unique aspects of an individual; a complete understanding of a person comes from the combination of photographs and words. Outside of school, Sarah enjoys volunteering for a youth community theatre program in her community that she used to attend when she was younger. She also spends her free time exploring the city with friends and engaging in the visual arts, such as painting and drawing. As someone extremely interested in the humanities and social sciences, Sarah is planning on pursuing psychology and political science in college. In the future, she will apply the skills she has gained in journalism to help further her career interest of becoming an attorney.