Raisa Barshai, Staff Reporter
Raisa Barshai is the Spotlight Section editor for ‘The Science Survey.' She loves the freedom that journalistic writing gives her, allowing her to learn about a wide array of topics through research and interviews. Photography helps Raisa to bring her experiences to life and allows for her to share different stories and perspectives through just a few snapshots. In her free time, Raisa tutors middle school students and works with s a Nurse Anesthetist at a health clinic in Queens. Raisa loves to read, primarily books and articles about breakthrough research on healthcare and societal issues. One of her favorite places to travel to is Spain, where she has experience doing environmental service work and taking classes about the Spanish healthcare system. She plans on studying Nursing in college and hopes to pursue a graduate degree in Nursing in order to become a Nurse Practitioner. Once Raisa gets to college, she hopes to continue her involvement in journalism as an extracurricular, as a way for her to discuss her knowledge and interests in healthcare and to build connections within her community. In ten years, Raisa sees herself as a Nurse Practitioner working with children in order to prevent disease and to treat the children who need it most.