We've got the news down to a science!

The Science Survey

We've got the news down to a science!

The Science Survey

We've got the news down to a science!

The Science Survey

Peter Haywood, Staff Reporter

Peter Haywood is an Arts & Entertainment Editor. Peter finds the prospect of allowing readers to see an idea or situation in a new prospective as the most appealing aspect of journalistic writing. Meaningful stories can let readers walk away thinking about the issues at hand. Peter thinks that photography can allow the reader to visualize the story being told, and a good photo can enhance the writing by giving the reader a new way of reading it. Photos can also tell a story in an instant in a way that pops out, potentially adding emotion to the piece. In his free time, Peter enjoys playing board games, card games, and video games, taking improv classes, riding his bike in Central Park, swimming, hiking, going to museums, and eating large quantities of chocolate. Peter hopes to study political science in college, but he is open to other fields of study as well. Peter has no idea what he wants to do or where he will be in ten years, but he does hope to continue his passion for journalism in college and beyond.

All content by Peter Haywood