We've got the news down to a science!

The Science Survey

We've got the news down to a science!

The Science Survey

We've got the news down to a science!

The Science Survey

Michael Toscano, Staff Reporter

Michael Toscano is an Editor-in-Chief of ‘The Science Survey.' As Editor-in-Chief, he is responsible for overseeing all major aspects of the newspaper, as well as upholding deadlines and editing the articles of his peers. He has been in the journalism program for the past two years and held the position of Section Editor prior to becoming Editor-in-Chief. The most appealing aspect of journalistic writing for him is the number of people it can positively impact. Michael deeply admires journalists who are not afraid to tackle the most difficult of issues, and he tries to do so in all of his articles. His favorite type of journalistic writing is editorials because he enjoys voicing his opinions through his writing. He often writes editorials about politics for this exact reason. Being unable to vote himself, Michael uses his platform as a journalist to inform others of the issues. Michael believes that photojournalism goes hand in hand with traditional journalism and that a good photograph can make an article much more impactful for the reader. He always tries to couple his articles with creative imagery to keep the reader engaged. During the Coronavirus pandemic, Michael has taken up cycling and become more familiar with his neighborhood. He has also been practicing meditation to manage the increased stress brought on by the pandemic. In college, he hopes to major in business management and possibly minor in Journalism. He believes that journalistic writing is a valuable skill that will be beneficial to him in his future. Ten years from now, Michael sees himself working in corporate America. He believes that his experience this year in the management role of Editor-in-Chief will prepare him for leadership roles in the corporate world.

All content by Michael Toscano
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