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We've got the news down to a science!

The Science Survey

We've got the news down to a science!

The Science Survey

We've got the news down to a science!

The Science Survey

Desara Zejnati, Staff Reporter

Desara Zejnati is an Arts and Entertainment Editor for ‘The Science Survey.' She savors the endless cyclical aspects of journalistic writing that allow her to provide reliable information to the world.. She enjoys using photography to show how a single instance in time can fill in the blank spaces and make up visually for the things she can't put into words. She sees pictures as the only components of journalistic works that don't require a translation because of their innate ability to achieve a universal understanding that is embedded deeply within human nature. Outside of school, Desara often finds herself making origami, listening to music, and reading short stories. She plans to focus on her interests in Neuroscience and humanities in her future endeavors and hopes to continue to incorporate journalism into her future endeavors.

All content by Desara Zejnati