Daniella Lorenzana, Staff Reporter
Daniella Lorenzana is a Staff Reporter for 'The Science Survey.' She finds collecting the research to be the most appealing aspect of journalistic writing. When collecting interviews and research, she gets to hear the full story or perspective as it is, with every detail described. Outside of school, Daniella enjoys taking her dog on long walks, doing crafts, and getting her hands on any new hobby that she can try. After high school, Daniella has plans to study dermatology and real estate in college. She is very interested in the science behind the skincare world and would love to make other people happy with something as simple as having health skin. In addition to dermatology, she also wants to own a few properties for real estate because she used to watch a lot of HGTV with her mother growing up. This caught her interest and hers mother's as well, and so her mother got into buying and renting as a result, and Daniella is looking into continuing in this business after her.