We've got the news down to a science!

The Science Survey

We've got the news down to a science!

The Science Survey

We've got the news down to a science!

The Science Survey

Angela Phuong, Staff Reporter

Angela Phuong is a Managing Editor/Advisory Editor for 'The Science Survey.' She enjoys journalistic writing because she can keep others updated on current news amd give others her opinion on anything that is currently happening around the world. She enjoys taking photographs that tell a story because viewing something visually can help someone to make a connection more easily. Outside of school, Angela enjoys reading articles to keep her updated on current events, listening to music, and also watching random videos on the Internet. She currently does not know what she wants to major in in college, but she hopes to pursue something that she will be passionate about. She also does see herself pursuing photography, as she would like to take pictures while traveling around the world.

All content by Angela Phuong