Behind the Scenes with the Student Organization / Cabinet
From left to right: Babou Gaye ’20, Anthony Bonavita ’20, and Towfiq Rahman ’21.
You may have seen them on Wolverine TV, spamming your e-mails, or even sitting next to you during class. Members of S.O. Cabinet are everywhere! If you have ever participated in spirit week, taken part in a school carnival, or sung your heart out during a coffee house karaoke, these are the people you should thank. Cabinet is the student body of Bronx Science that is in charge of handling all student events and activities, which neither sounds like or is an easy job.
“[Cabinet] is the best way to discuss things with the Principal, as well as to address student concerns on a one-on-one basis,” said S.O. President Anthony Bonavita ’20. This year’s Cabinet plans to be the most efficient one yet, planning many more events and working harder than ever. “We’ve devised a new way to work on projects by creating committees centered around different jobs, such as making posters, creating announcements, and getting chaperones. We plan on being as productive as we can this year,” said Bonavita.

Members of the cabinet prepare for the first Spirit Week of the year. “The best part about being in cabinet is connecting with so many different people and working together. I know that I am making the school a better place,” said Anthony Bonavita ’20.
However, what stands out the most in this fun bunch is not just the ambitious way that they have decided to take on the year. Rather, it is the passion that all of the members share for making our school a better place. “The best part of being in Cabinet is the people and the sense of community. Walking into the COSA office during ninth period period every day and seeing people whom I have insurmountable respect for, is a great feeling,” said Margaret Caris ’20. “I love seeing my fellow students enjoy the efforts that we put into making the school a positive environment,” added Babou Gaye ’20, S.O. Vice President.
This year, Cabinet plans to make the best of Bronx Science traditions such as the Winter Wonderland, Monster Mash and the Spring Carnival. “We have exciting innovations and additions to some of the events that we have previously organized. For instance, for this year’s October 2019 Halloween, the haunted house not only covered the vestibule, but took over part of the cafeteria, which students really enjoyed,” said Bonavita. They also have many other new activities planned for this year. “We are planning to revive the ‘Leave Your Mark’ Project, where students will be allowed to submit original artwork and photography to be displayed around the school,” said Caris. “Our school is in need of a ‘Cultural Renaissance,’ and a week to celebrate our school’s diversity will be only the beginning of this initiative,” said Bonavita, about next spring’s Cultural Week. It will be a time for students to commemorate their culture with activities such as an international food fair and cultural garb day.
“[Cabinet] is the best way to discuss things with the Principal, as well as to address student concerns on a one-on-one basis,” said S.O. President Anthony Bonavita ’20.
Another initiative that Cabinet came up with this year is the student government podcast. The podcast is meant to serve as a platform portraying the voice of every day Bronx Science students. It will also allow the student body to have more direct contact with the S.O. The specifics are in the works, but it is definitely a new and exciting project that everyone should be looking forward to. “We are very eager to launch the the S.O. Podcast, something that I ran on last year, so I’m glad that I am fulfilling my platform,” said Gaye.
The student government is filled with people committed to putting in the hard work necessary to make this 2019-2020 academic year the best that it can possibly be. If any students have any questions, concerns, or solutions about any aspect regarding the school, do not hesitate to reach out to the S.O. at
A Big Thank You to All Cabinet Members (and Ms. Parness) : Mashrafi Anwar ’20, Laibah Azam ‘20, Anthony Bonavita ’20 (S.O. President), Margaret Caris ’20, Babou Gaye ’20 (S.O. Vice-President), Suzune Montag ’20, Sadia Rahman ’20, Ayesha Khan ’20, Elana Abrams ’21, Radia Basher ‘21, Edie Fine ‘21, Avery Look ’21, Sophie Pritzky ’21, Towfiq Rahman ’21 (S.O. Secretary), Logan Klinger ’21, Raisa Barshai ’22, Leila Bunchan ‘22, Diana Campbell ’22, Allison Errico ‘22, Skye Lam ‘22, and Ahona Rana ‘22.
Daniela Castro is an Editor-in-Chief of the ‘The Science Survey’ and a Reporter for the People Section in the Bronx Science Yearbook, ‘The Observatory.’...