Your Peers Striving to Make Bronx Science a Better Place

SO Leadership for the 2018-2019 school year: Front Row (L-R): Payel Islam ’19, Babou Gaye ’20, Artea Brahaj ’19, Chloe Frajmund ’19, Johanna Neggie ’19. Back Row (L-R): Garreth Hui ’20, Anthony Bonavita ’20, Jordan Sanchez ’19, Sowad Karim ’19, Tahmid Ahamed ’19
We know that you get e-mails from them. We know that you hear about them on Wolverine TV. But do you really know who is working tirelessly for you? This is the S.O., your peers who are making Bronx Science a better place for everyone. The S.O. is made up of your elected officials who have promised to listen to you and to bring your wishes to the bargaining table. Let’s see who they are!
Artea Brahaj ’19 is the president of the Bronx Science Student Organization (S.O.). Her job is to speak for the student body, and work with the administration to pass reforms that make Bronx Science a better place. Every day, she leads her Cabinet in a multitude of tasks, from sending school-wide e-mails to planning events to decorating the school (often until 6 p.m.). She meets with the Principal and other administrators to discuss the needs of the students and how changes can be implemented to improve student life.
“I love that through the S.O., I have been given the unique opportunity to create tangible change and policy reform that impacts all of Bronx Science whether that is making the Wi-Fi accessible to all students or opening up the library before first period,” said Brahaj ’19.
One of her main platforms regards the way that mental health is treated within the school. As the mental health liaison, she is working on getting more mental health advocates to come to the school and be there for students that need them, as well as organizing multiple mental health weeks and starting monthly yoga classes at the school.

Alif Matin ’19, the S.O. Vice President, works in the COSA Office.
Alif Matin ’19 is the vice president of the Bronx Science Student Organization. His job is to work with administration to discuss various issues around the school. As head of the Nutritional Health Counsel, he meets with school health officials to discuss how cleanliness and nutrition can be improved in the school. He has brought biodegradable forks, grab and go breakfasts, and more to the school through his role. He also leads Advisory Board meetings, in which he directly communicates with the principal and other school officials to express concerns about the school and what the student body would like changed. Both organizations are open to the student body. Additionally, he serves as the School Safety Liaison and meets with school safety officials to discuss and organize procedures to ensure school safety.
But what made him motivated to do so much for the school? “I wanted to become more involved in the school after considering all of the things that I would love to help with and implement to make the Bronx Science community richer,” said Matin.
As S.O. Secretary, Babou Gaye ’20 coordinates and organizes happenings around the school. He makes different slide show presentations for the cafeteria every day, attends and records notes during Senate and Cabinet meetings. But why did he join the S.O.? “I wanted to give to the community and make school as enjoyable as possible for all the students as well as develop my skills as a teammate and leader,” Gaye ’20 said.
As S.O. Senate Leader and Co-Chief of Staff, Chloe Frajmund ’19 works hard to organize different groups in the S.O. She leads Senate meetings (where senators of all homerooms vote on amendments, elect leaders for primaries, and donate to S.O. events) and ensures that all heads of events are doing their job to make Bronx Science a better place.

Chloe Frajmund ’19 is the S.O.’s Senate Leader and is co-Chief of Staff. She is involved in N.O.W. (National Organization for Women) and is the founder of Project FIRE (Feminism: Inclusion, Rights, Equality). From left: Julia Catrambone ’19, Julia Haberfield ’19, Chloe Frajmund ’19.
She was Secretary of the school last year, and has previously led many S.O. events, such as the Pad and Tampon Drive. Why is she such an strong participant in the S.O? “I have a passion for enacting change in the communities that I care about, and I yearn for the feeling to be proud of creating and enacting something,” said Frajmund ’19.
Rachel Landis ’19 is this year’s Senior Council President. She organizes the council (which is made up of a select group of seniors) to plan and execute events, in order to make the year great for the senior class. She wanted to be a part of the S.O. because she wanted to give back to the Bronx Science community. According to Landis, this year seniors can look forward to “Senior Luau, Senior Barbeque, and a lot more stuff that is going to be planned, that’s going to be new, never seen before!” Landis ’19. Looks like an exciting year for the class of 2019!
Johanna Neggie ’19 represents the senior class and the school as the SLT (School Leadership Team). When she sees problems in the school, she takes them to Dr. Donahue and the administration and makes sure that they’re addressed!
“We look at the issues in our school and create an action plan to meet our goal of fixing those problems” said Neggie ’19. One thing the SLT and JSLT have been working on this year is improving student/teacher relationships, and extending SGI to three days a week for every teacher,” said Neggie ’19
Assisting the SLT, Garreth Hui ’20 meets monthly with administrators, parents, and teachers to discuss how to make Bronx Science a better learning environment for everyone. Specifically, he represents the class of 2020 and will continue his work next year as SLT. He will be expanding on programs that he and Johanna are currently working on, and mentoring the future JSLT to then take his place.

Anthony Bonavita ’20 is a member of Cabinet as well as the Secretary of the Model U.N. club.
Anthony Bonavita ’20, Payel Islam ’19 and John Aidan Feighery ’19 are all members of the school’s cabinet. They meet every day to plan events for the school and to make sure that the Student Government is running smoothly.
“I want to create new activities that students can do and have fun at during and after school,” said Bonavita ’20. “I feel like these will all allow for students’ experiences here to be better than ever.”
They listen to your requests and try to make change in the school. “[We] make sure that we bring forward student issues to the administration and make sure they’re addressed in full,” said Feighery ’19. They also organize events and make sure that everyone in the S.O. is doing their jobs. “I’m constantly replying to e-mails, taking storage, making order lists, and everything in between,” replied Islam ’19, who is also co-chief of staff.
With our new system, there are no longer presidents, vice presidents, and secretaries in the League of Presidents. Sowad Karim ’19, Jordan Sanchez ’19, and Tahmid Ahamed ’19 are co-directors of the LOP, which is the organization that regulates clubs at Bronx Science. They set up club fairs, meet with the presidents of each club, and help students to create new clubs of their own.
This year, under the system change, instead of receiving demerits and strikes that are irreversible, a plan was proposed by Karim ’19, which was subsequently passed by the Senate. “To get rid of a demerit, simply attend and/or help in one extra school event outside of the requirements. To get rid of a strike, attend and/or help in two extra school event outside of the requirements,” said Karim ’19.
All three directors use a period in the COSA Office every day to fulfill their duties and to keep on top of their responsibilities. “It’s more work than you think it would be, but I don’t mind it one bit,” added Sanchez ’19.

Cabinet members hard at work (from left: Elana Abrams ’21, Payel Islam ’19, Babou Gaye ’20, Sophie Portsky ’21, Sadia Rahman ’20).
The Student Organization is hands-down one of the most hard-working organizations in the school. Each member has an active part in contributing to making Bronx Science a healthier, more inclusive place. They all greatly enjoy their roles, making a lot of them come back to it year after year. Without them, we wouldn’t have Movie Nights, the Monster Mash, candy gram sales, and more. Thank you, S.O.!
Ava Vercesi is an Arts and Entertainment Editor for ‘The Science Survey’ and is a Groups Section Reporter for the Yearbook, ‘The Observatory.’...
Sazida Marzia is the Chief Graphic Design and Layout Editor for ‘The Science Survey’. She loves photography and being able to show the unseen side...
Sydney Teh is the Editor-in-Chief for ‘The Observatory’ yearbook and a Senior Staff Reporter for ‘The Science Survey.’ She enjoys journalistic...