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The Science Survey

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The Science Survey

We've got the news down to a science!

The Science Survey

Emilia Lord ’20, Stephanie Gallent ’20, and Mica Nimkarn ’20 participate in a discussion in the Gay-Straight Alliance club.

The Dwight Howard Controversy and LGBTQ+ Rights

Arona Islam, Staff Reporter March 23, 2019

On November 24, 2018, author Masin Elijè took to Twitter to express his outrage against his alleged ex-boyfriend, NBA star Dwight Howard. According to Elijè, Howard had cheated on him in a series of...

Subah Patwari ’20 shares her thoughts on the gentrification in her neighborhood.

Is Gentrification Getting Rid of Chopped Cheese and Dumplings?

Rahma Tasnim, Staff Reporter March 23, 2019

The little things in life are what help us get by: the dumplings from the Chinese shop down the block, the bacon, egg, and cheese we grab every morning on our way to school, or even the chopped cheese...

Giyun Hong ’21 believes that religious persecution and gang violence are the main causes of illegal immigration.

The American Dream

Sanford James, Staff Reporter March 23, 2019

All Americans share a common belief, a belief in the American dream.  It is in the pursuit of the American Dream that has caused people across the globe to leave their homelands behind to immigrate...

Ellen Ren, ’19, comments on her desire to separate her identity from the political conflicts and implications behind the U.S.-China trade war. “I don’t want to get caught in between any political conflicts between the U.S. and China. I don’t want it to affect how I carry myself, or identify as a Chinese-American.”

The US-China Trade War: New Century, New Storyline

Oliver Chin, Staff Reporter March 23, 2019

Political analysts, economists, news reporters, and even the media in not only the U.S., but the entire West, view and cover China with a particular scorn, arguably rightfully so. Trade with China was...

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