Every year, Bronxtoberfest is held in the Bronx Science courtyard in order to celebrate October and the season of fall. This year, it was held on Monday, October 28th, 2024. This event is open to senior students only, and it is meant to create lasting memories during their final year of high school. Organized by the Student Organization Cabinet and the Senior Council, and funded in part by the Parents’ Association, Bronxtoberfest allows seniors to gather for a fun fall event that includes munching on pumpkin pie and decorating small pumpkins. The gathering is an opportunity to forget about the stresses of college (early action and early decision applications are due around this time) and spend time with the community that they have spent four years learning alongside. Here, students are seen smiling, laughing, and chatting while participating in the activities available. The feeling of community and festivity that Bronxtoberfest creates cannot be matched.
Pumpkins, Pumpkins and More Pumpkins! Bronx Science’s Annual Bronxtoberfest
Bronx Science seniors gathered for a day of celebration and autumn traditions on Monday, October 28th, 2024.
About the Contributors
Emi Hare-Yim, Staff Reporter
Emi Hare-Yim is a Managing/Advisory Editor for ‘The Science Survey,’ part of the Editor-in-Chief Division. What draws Emi to journalism is her love of crafting something beautiful – for her, it’s all about the eloquence of the piece. But at the same time, she values the craft of an engaging and factual story. It’s important to find a balance between both, as her dad says. She finds that taking photographs must also hold an element of beauty, yet also have a deeper meaning to convey to the viewer. Emi is currently on the Bronx Science Congressional Debate team, where she learns to create well rounded arguments – applicable to the creation of strong editorial pieces. She is quite musical, pursuing both classical voice and piano. Additionally, she volunteers at her local cat shelter on the weekends (there is a piece about that shelter below). In the future, in terms of college, Emi sees herself studying all things involving writing. Law, journalism, and history are all probable prospects. But if nothing else, the experience of writing for ‘The Science Survey’ will create a long lasting impact on her writing technique for years to come.
Krisha Soni, Staff Reporter
Krisha Soni is an Editor-in-Chief for ‘The Science Survey.’ She loves storytelling and journalistic pieces that bring their subject matter to life; in her opinion, there’s nothing more valuable. Journalism, and its ability to depict aspects of the world through different lenses on paper, has intrigued her since she was young, and she hopes to create pieces that live up to that standard. In addition, Krisha finds photography to be essential for journalism, as she believes that it fully fleshes out an article and is the final step to bring the reader into the shoes of someone experiencing the subject matter. Outside of school, Krisha enjoys reading, baking, and playing basketball. She can be found making cookies and listening to podcasts in her home in Queens. Although she is still looking through possible career options, she loves astrophysics and history and wishes to eventually work in either of those fields.
Ennio Wong, Staff Reporter
Ennio Wong is a Graphic Designer and an Athletics Section Editor for ‘The Observatory’ yearbook. In addition, he is a Staff Reporter on ‘The Science Survey.’ In journalistic writing, Ennio finds that he enjoys a sense of relatability between him and the author. Ennio likes to find and understand meaning in journalistic photography, and he would like to pursue photography as a hobby. He is interested in a STEM career in the future, but likes to branch out, practicing martial arts and getting better at cooking. In the future, Ennio would like to write about things about which he is passionate, an example of which would be robotics. He is looking to become an electrical/mechanical engineer, currently building computers, simple machines, and repairing electronic devices in his spare time.