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The Science Survey

We've got the news down to a science!

The Science Survey

The Drug That May Forever Change Fear: Propranolol

Researchers and medical professionals are exploring the use of propranolol, a beta blocker medication, to potentially modify fear responses in people.
There are a variety of prescription drugs shown but few have the same effect on memory as propranolol. (Photo Credit: Myriam Zilles / Unsplash)

The human brain is a complex system of neurons, synapses, and pathways that help store and retrieve memories. Pleasant memories enhance our life and unpleasant memories can severely harm our wellbeing. 

Recently, researchers and medical professionals  have been exploring the use of propranolol, a beta blocker medication — a pill that blocks the release of stress hormones — to potentially modify fear responses in people. Propranolol is a medication primarily used to treat conditions like high blood pressure and anxiety. 

Research into the effects of propranolol on fear responses has been ongoing for several years, with studies dating back to the early 2000s. The purpose of using propranolol to alter fear comes from its ability to block certain stress hormones involved in memory formation, potentially disrupting the consolidation of fear memories. 

A handful of studies have suggested its potential in altering fear memories as well as reducing fear responses. This research is being conducted in various academic institutions around the world, with studies focusing on propranolol’s impacts on psychology, psychiatry, and neuroscience. I personally discovered the drug while researching an experiment done by Merel Kindt, a Dutch psychiatrist who proved its power.

Propranolol works by blocking the effects of epinephrine (adrenaline) and norepinephrine (noradrenaline) on beta receptors, which are part of the sympathetic nervous system. This reduces heart rate, blood pressure, and the physical symptoms of anxiety. Propranolol crosses the blood-brain barrier, allowing it to work on the central nervous system. Through beta blocking, propranolol lessens the stress responses mediated by the amygdala, a brain region associated with emotions.

Fear memories are typically triggered by things associated with the original traumatic event. These memories are stored in the amygdala and hippocampus, regions involved in emotional processing and memory formation. The process of recalling a fear memory can reinforce and even intensify the memory, a phenomenon known as reconsolidation. Reconsolidation provides a window of time to alter the emotional impact of a memory. Interventions during this reconsolidation phase can weaken the memory’s emotional impact.

Several studies have explored the potential of propranolol to interfere with the reconsolidation of fear memories. In a 2008 study by Stanford professor Brunet, patients with post-traumatic stress disorder were given propranolol before recalling their traumatic memories. 

This experiment tests propranolol’s ability to block the adrenergic receptors (works on epinephrine or norepinephrine) involved in the reconsolidation process. It can weaken the reconsolidated memory’s emotional intensity through reduced adrenergic signaling during the critical window when the memory is restored. The results showed a significant reduction in the emotional response to these memories in the propranolol group compared to the placebo group.

The potential to alter memories raises several ethical questions. Is it morally acceptable to alter someone’s memory, even if it is to reduce the impact of a traumatic event? Could this lead to misuse or abuse of the drug, such as erasing memories for malicious purposes?

While the research is promising, there are limitations to consider. The timing and dosage of propranolol administration are critical, and the drug’s effects can vary among individuals. Additionally, while propranolol may reduce the emotional intensity of a fear memory, it does not erase the memory itself. Further research is needed to perfect treatment protocols and to fully understand the long term effects of such interventions.

Subsequent studies have replicated and expanded upon these findings. For example, in 2009, researcher Kindt conducted another study, with healthy volunteers who were conditioned to fear a specific stimulus (spiders). When these participants were later given propranolol and exposed to the conditioned stimulus, their fear response was significantly diminished compared to controls. This research supports the hypothesis that propranolol can disrupt the reconsolidation of fear memories, making them less potent upon future recall.

Propranolol’s effects on memory reconsolidation are thought to involve the modulation of noradrenergic signaling. During the reconsolidation phase, the reactivation of a memory trace makes it temporarily unstable. Given its potential, propranolol has been investigated in various clinical settings. For instance, clinical trials have explored its efficacy in treating PTSD, phobias, and even performance anxiety. 

Recent studies have explored its impact on chronic pain management. Chronic pain is not only a physical sensation, but also an emotional one. Propranolol’s ability to modulate the emotional response to pain can help patients cope better with chronic pain conditions by reducing the anxiety and emotional distress associated with persistent pain.

Also, propranolol is being investigated for its use in addiction therapy. Addiction involves not just physical dependence but also powerful emotional memories of substance use. 

By disrupting the reconsolidation of these emotional memories, propranolol might help reduce cravings and prevent relapse in individuals recovering from addiction. This approach is particularly promising in the context of behavioral addictions, such as gambling, where emotional triggers play a crucial role in maintaining the addictive behavior.

The results have been successful, indicating that propranolol could become an adjunctive treatment in psychotherapy, particularly for exposure-based therapies where patients are encouraged to recall and process traumatic memories in a controlled environment.

However, memory is crucial to personal identity, and altering memories – even traumatic ones – could have unintended consequences. For example, there is a risk of overuse or misuse of this substance, such as using propranolol to reduce memories for reasons other than therapeutic purposes. Moreover, the potential for erasing or altering memories raises concerns about consent and the individual’s right to their unaltered memories.

To tackle these ethical dilemmas, physicians must establish clear criteria for propranolol’s use. This includes determining appropriate indications, ensuring informed consent, and monitoring long-term outcomes. As research advances, guidelines will need to be updated to reflect new insights and protect against potential abuses.

Longitudinal studies are necessary to understand the long-term impact of propranolol on memory and emotional health. More researchers need to investigate whether the effects of propranolol on memory reconsolidation are permanent or if memories can regain their emotional intensity over time.

Beyond PTSD and anxiety disorders, propranolol’s memory-modulating effects could have broader applications. For example, it might be used to alleviate the distress associated with chronic pain, addiction, or even in enhancing the outcomes of therapeutic interventions for various psychiatric conditions.

The exploration of propranolol in enhancing cognitive behavioral therapy outcomes is another area of interest. CBT is a common therapeutic approach for various mental health conditions, including depression and anxiety disorders. 

Therapists may enhance the treatment’s effectiveness through the use of propranolol. This combination could potentially accelerate the extinction of maladaptive fear responses and promote more adaptive coping mechanisms by weakening the emotional impact of negative memories and enhancing the cognitive restructuring process.

Additionally, the potential use of propranolol in preventing the development of PTSD immediately after a traumatic event is under investigation. Administering propranolol shortly after trauma exposure could potentially interrupt the initial consolidation of traumatic memories, thereby reducing the likelihood of developing PTSD. This preventive application could be particularly useful for first responders, military personnel, and others regularly exposed to traumatic events.

The role of propranolol in enhancing the resilience of individuals in high-stress professions, such as surgeons, pilots, or firefighters, is being explored. As they mitigate the acute stress responses, propranolol can help these professionals maintain composure and performance during critical situations.

However, the long-term implications of such use need careful consideration to avoid dependency and ensure that stress responses are managed healthily and sustainably. Given the broad spectrum of potential applications for propranolol, its use in modifying emotional memories presents both promising opportunities and significant ethical challenges.

As research progresses, it is crucial to establish rigorous protocols to ensure the drug is used responsibly and ethically. This includes safeguarding informed consent, ensuring proper dosing and timing, and continuously monitoring long-term outcomes. Continued research and ethical discourse will be essential in integrating propranolol into clinical practice, ensuring its benefits are maximized while minimizing potential risks.

Is it morally acceptable to alter someone’s memory, even if it is to reduce the impact of a traumatic event? Could this lead to misuse or abuse of the drug, such as erasing memories for malicious purposes?

About the Contributor
Chaiya Milowic, Staff Reporter
Chaiya Milowic is an Editorial Editor for ‘The Science Survey.' She enjoys debates and sharing and listening to others’ opinions. Although she finds objective writing interesting, she has always been drawn to the art of subjectivity and the room it leaves for interpretation and creativity. Writing has opened her eyes to new perspectives and beliefs. She has been working with cameras for years outside of school and finds journalistic photography to be a crucial element in articles. She finds it most appealing that a picture can seemingly tell a thousand words when taking journalistic photography. In Chaiya’s free time, she enjoys playing basketball, spending time with family, and creating new things whether they are paintings, poem, stories, or even a makeup look. In the future, she plans on pursuing a career in psychology, hoping to eventually earn her PhD and become a clinical psychologist. As writing has always been her main interest since childhood, she intends to continue writing and produce articles on her psychological findings in the future.