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We've got the news down to a science!

The Science Survey

We've got the news down to a science!

The Science Survey

We've got the news down to a science!

The Science Survey

Ronin Rodkey, Editor-in-Chief

Ronin Rodkey is an Editor-In-Chief and Managing Editor of ‘The Science Survey.’ This is Ronin’s third year writing for ‘The Science Survey,’ and his second year doing graphic design. Ronin most enjoys journalistic writing as a medium by which to provoke thought among readers. He considers an article a success when it causes readers to think about or approach an issue in ways that they had not considered before, or when it causes readers to consider an issue they had not been aware of. Outside of school, Ronin spends his time going enjoying cultural aspects of New York City, browsing art galleries and museums, trying new and interesting foods and activities, and traveling to new places both inside and outside of New York. Over the summer, Ronin works at a summer camp in Maine, where he teaches and pursues exotic hobbies such as blowing glass. Once he graduates high school, Ronin plans on studying and pursuing a career in business or politics, but understands that regardless of what he chooses to do, the skills that he has gained in journalism at Bronx Science will remain valuable throughout his entire life.

All content by Ronin Rodkey