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We've got the news down to a science!

The Science Survey

We've got the news down to a science!

The Science Survey

We've got the news down to a science!

The Science Survey

Orli Strickman, Staff Reporter

Orli Strickman is an Arts and Entertainment Editor for ‘The Science Survey.’ She seeks to represent stories that do not receive a lot of mainstream coverage, and highlight the voices of those whose opinions are not traditionally expressed. Orli particularly appreciates unbiased journalism; in a world where writing frequently sticks to one side of the political agenda, she aims to ensure that all views are adequately represented. She also fosters an appreciation for the way that photojournalism expresses ideas that cannot be depicted through writing alone. Orli devotes her free time to ballet, and enjoys biking, reading, and baking. She plans to major in biology in college and hopes to become a physician.

All content by Orli Strickman