Science Seniors Score Big

Student Athletes Recruited to Top Colleges


Chloe Frajmund

Audra Berg ’18 jumping high and spiking on the opposing team.

Throughout their four years at Bronx Science, athletes of the Class of 2018 have never failed to work hard. Next year, many will move on to participate in the National Collegiate Athletic Association, better known as the NCAA. A few of the many students being recruited include Audra Berg, Zachary Siegelstein, and Louis Silverman.

Audra Berg, the captain of the Girls’ Varsity Volleyball team, received offers from several Division III schools. While she will still have to apply and be accepted, she is a preferred walk-on for three schools.

Berg originally chose to play volleyball in the seventh grade, after realizing she “was horrible at basketball,” she said. “The natural tall-person sport to turn to next was volleyball.”

Little did she know, volleyball would be one of the main catalysts of her positive personality today. “I learned perseverance, grit, and a forward-growth attitude,” Berg said. She credits her ability to work so well with others to being on her team.

Zachary Siegelstein is the captain of the Boys’ Varsity Soccer team. Siegelstein has been playing soccer since he was seven years old. “I just loved running around, so I thought I would give it a try,” he said. After receiving offers from multiple Division I schools, Siegelstein decided that Tufts University would be the best fit for him, giving him “the opportunity to play for a Division I level team as well as have a college life.” Similar to Berg, Siegelstein credits his “leadership, teamwork skills, and sportsmanship” to the game. “Playing the sport itself gives me a place to escape my worries and stresses,” he said.

Louis Silverman plays baseball. “I’d say that baseball is just a part of who I am. I can’t imagine what my life would be like without the game,” said Silverman. Starting off his freshman year already on Boys’ Varsity Baseball, Silverman has learned that he was not going to get anywhere by just sitting and waiting, so he channeled all of his energy into working towards a final destination and recruitment.

This October, Silverman committed to Macalester College in Minnesota. “My goal for several years has been to get recruited to play college baseball, and having that goal has forced me to really zone in and dedicating myself to improving as a player,” Silverman said.

“Playing the sport itself gives me a place to escape my worries and stresses.”

If the Class of 2018 has taught their peers anything, it is that, with the right support system, anything is possible. “My teammates over the years have become some of my closest friends,” said Berg. “My club team is one of my strongest support systems.”

Although none of these three can say that it was easy juggling academics and sports, they all got what they deserved. “This sport has taught me, above everything else, the value of hard work,” said Silverman.