Looking Back at the September Climate Strikes
Thousands of people marches through the streets of lower Manhattan.
While the coronavirus pandemic has been a tragedy for people all around the world, there is a silver lining: the Earth’s conditions have improved. For example, there are reports that global carbon dioxide emissions are almost as low as levels seen 10 years ago. News like this would certainly make climate and environmental activists both around the world and in our own school very happy. After all, much of the Bronx Science community has taken part in recent climate strikes and some have even lead these marches and protests. As such, it’s worth it to look back on the biggest climate strike that was held on September 20th, 2019 in which it was estimated to have about 250,000 attendees in New York City alone.
After all, much of the Bronx Science community has taken part in recent climate strikes and some have even lead these marches and protests.

People of all ages and generations joined the strike.

An individual climbed a statue holding up a sign.

People waited for performances from musical artists Jaden and Willow Smith.

Many people also wore masks to reflect a future in which air quality is too terrible to breath in.

Many of the people that attended the protest were teenagers.

Bronx Science students were also seen holding signs.

Many people could be seen smiling throughout the afternoon.
Gazi Fuad is a Chief Photographer & Photo Editor for the school yearbook ‘The Observatory.’ Outside of school, he is part of a team of photographers....