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The Science Survey

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The Science Survey

The Contributions of the Female Student Leaders at Bronx Science

During the 2023-2024 academic year, there is a lot of female representation and empowerment for the Bronx Science student body.
Jacey Mok
Here is Esther Gelman ’24, Senior Council President, in action, at one of the first Senior Council events of the 2023-2024 academic year.

Every year, at the Bronx High of Science, a number of capable, passionate, and determined students are selected for leadership positions in student organizations. Students are elected for positions such as Student Body President, Student Body Vice President, Secretary, Model UN President, and countless others. Student leaders take on the responsibility of helping to advocate for the student body. These positions require students to develop a vast arsenal of leadership skills, including responsibility to time management. 

Female leaders in America at large face an endless array of challenges in a world dominated by men. They are forced to contend with bias, glass ceilings, and the need to prove themselves repeatedly, making their jobs uniquely difficult. These struggles are on top of the already rigorous standards set for all student leaders at Bronx Science. However, the resilience and determination of our female student leaders continues to break barriers, inspiring positive change and gender equality.

In the previous 2022-2023 academic year, the S.O Cabinet consisted of predominantly male leaders. During this current academic year of 2023-2024, there has been a drastic shift in the demographic of student leaders, as the entire Cabinet now consists of female leaders, with both the President and Vice President being women. S.O President, Umme Anushka ’24 explains that “I am the first Bengali, female president.” This is a major accomplishment as it provides representation for other Bengali students at this school. 

The S.O cabinet is not the only student organization at Bronx Science that has embraced female leadership. Nora Auburn ’24 is the President of Model UN, accompanied by her Vice President Thasina Tabassum ’24. Model UN, also known as MUN, is one of Bronx Science’s many successful academic teams. Auburn and Tabbassum have the responsibility of managing tasks and arranging team events. Tabbassum explains how she hopes to foster a welcoming environment, especially for novices. The majority of novices are ninth graders, students that are new to the Bronx Science community and navigating new territory. It is fundamental for them to feel comfortable at Bronx Science so they can share their passions, and female leadership is ensuring just that. 

Model United Nations (Model UN) replicates the workings of the United Nations. Students play the roles of ambassadors or delegates from different countries, engaging in diplomatic debates and negotiations on global issues. It’s a platform that provides students with public speaking, research, critical thinking, and diplomacy skills. High school Model UN conferences address real-world problems and encourage students to collaborate, draft resolutions, and find solutions to global challenges. This experience cultivates cultural awareness, international relations knowledge, and a sense of responsibility, preparing students for future leadership roles and promoting global citizenship.

In addition, the Judicial Board consists of two female chairs/leaders this year. The Judicial Board is given the responsibility of regulating the school elections.  Chair, Saldon Tenzin ’24 remarks that her position on the judicial board, although fulfilling and enjoyable, requires a large amounts of dedication and responsibility. Her responsibilities include monitoring the S.O. Cabinet, LOP Board, the Senior Council and Senate, and ensuring they are complying with the Bronx Science constitution. In other words, she manages all of the main government branches at Bronx Science. She enjoys being a role model for other Tibetan female students at Bronx Science. She said that “leadership is the best opportunity to amplify unheard voices.” Tenzin further explained that she wants to ensure that elected leaders are carrying out their promises to the student body. 

The Bronx Science Debate Team is also a distinguished and formidable force within the realm of high school activities. As made evident by the array of debate trophies, medals, and banners  within the halls of Bronx Science, this team has garnered widespread recognition nationwide. This can be attributed to its exceptional talent, dedication, and consistent success.

The Bronx Science Debate Team is a breeding ground for future leaders, scholars, and critical thinkers. Students who join this esteemed team are exposed to a wide variety of debate formats, from policy debates to Lincoln-Douglas debates, and are encouraged to develop persuasive and analytical skills. 

The team’s members consistently excel in regional, national, and international competitions. However, their accomplishments extend far beyond just winning trophies; they are often commended for their ability to research, present, and defend complex arguments on a wide range of topics. 

Here is Public Forum Speech & Debate captain Sam Zaino ’24 working at the Big Bronx Debate tournament in October 2023, helping to serve food to judges and tournament competitors from other schools.
(Kate Hankin)

President Romi Drubetskoy ’24 was elected as the President of the entire team last year. The team consists of one president, multiple captains and the faculty advisor, Mr. Timothy Huth. The captains all dictate their individual events. For instance, Dasha Smirnova ’24, Sam Zaino ’24, and Marina Gallo’24 are all female captains of the Pubic Forum event. They have adopted  the demanding duty to develop lessons, drills, and resources to better the team. Romi helps oversee this. The captains have been working to better her team through drills and lessons. The process of creating these lessons is extremely time consuming, conveying how truly strenuous it is to be a student leader. 

Ayshi Sen’24 is one of the Co-presidents of the Bronx Science Student Diversity Committee. The SDC is the voice for students who have historically felt underrepresented at Bronx Science. They also bring together marginalized communities, giving them a space to be who they are despite their differences. Sen is a very dedicated leader and is able to balance her schedule effectively. She hopes to be the representation for other females in marginalized communities and be a shoulder they can rely on. 

There are lots of female club leaders as well. Adiba Sufti ’24 is one of the many female club Presidents, leading the Bioethics Club. She plans fun activities for typical meetings. Student clubs provide an outlet for students to express their passions and diversity in an academic environment. Moreover, clubs grant students opportunities to connect through their interests. Sufti explained how she “loves seeing how [her] club creates new friendships.”

Sufti’s goal with this club is to create a close community. She hopes to encourage new students at Bronx Science to feel safe. She furthers how it is critical  for club leaders to have an articulate goal and focus in mind while creating clubs. Without a goal in mind, one can not successfully advocate for change.

Whether focused on academic interests, cultural exchange, community service, sports, or the arts, student clubs foster personal growth and skill development. They encourage leadership, teamwork, and problem-solving, enriching the overall educational experience. Students who engage in clubs often build lasting friendships and gain a sense of belonging. Furthermore, clubs create platforms for creativity, advocacy, and self-expression, allowing students to leave a meaningful impact on their campus and the broader community.

The work of female leaders is essential in fostering a nurturing environment. These student leaders work tirelessly to maintain order and provide the student body with resources. They are role models for other female students at Bronx Science. They consistently defy gender norms and stereotypes on a daily basis and are the pillars of our community.

“Leadership is the best opportunity to amplify unheard voices,” said Saldon Tenzin ’24.

About the Contributors
Saziea Biva, Staff Reporter
Saziea Biva is an Arts & Entertainment Editor for 'The Science Survey.' In her free time, Saziea enjoys watching T.V. shows and reading. One of her favorite shows is 'Criminal Minds.' In the future, Saziea plans to study psychology. She hopes to continue pursuing journalism and photography in college, and possibly write for her college newspaper. Saziea plans on pursuing a career in medicine.
Jacey Mok, Staff Reporter
Jacey Mok is an Editor-in-Chief for 'The Science Survey.' She loves the art of masterfully crafting a story and bringing the reader into the scene. She enjoys writing literary journalistic pieces profiling the beauty of places ranging from her childhood hometown of Brooklyn, New York, to Texas. For the past three years, Jacey has explored her love for photography and incorporates this passion into her articles. She loves how photography can capture the essence of an emotion and a moment, and how it can frame a story in and of itself. Outside of the classroom, Jacey enjoys volunteering at local initiatives, reading, and meeting new people.
Kate Hankin, Staff Reporter
Kate Hankin is an Editor-in-Chief for ‘The Science Survey.’ In her journalistic writing, Kate likes to share her interests such as food, music, current events, politics, and movies. She enjoys the journalistic process of researching for her articles as well as taking photos and interviewing Bronx Science students. Kate is also a Social Media Editor for ‘The Science Survey’ and a photographer for ‘The Observatory’ yearbook. In her free time, Kate loves to bake, read, listen to music, and go on long walks in the city. In the future, Kate hopes to study history and statistics in college and work on a college newspaper.