Advice From Students on Managing Stress Levels
Diana Campbell ’22 has a busy schedule, but practices meditation in order to concentrate on feeling present and attentive.
There is no question that a certain amount of stress is part of our lives at Bronx Science. Between balancing the workload of numerous Advanced Placement classes, participating in extracurricular activities, and studying for exams, all students need outlets in order to deal with the pressure that comes from being at a Specialized High School. In fact, it’s easy to hear students chatting in the hallway, and bragging about how much or how little sleep they got. These jokes all stem from common, difficult situations. Many students take to giving each other advice on how to deal with the ordinary pressure of attending a Specialized High School.
“For me, what has been helpful is taking breaks every one or two hours when I’m doing work for school or extracurriculars,” Reese Villazor ’21 said. Taking mental breaks is a common way of relaxing before moving onto another assignment. Often, this allows our brains to refresh after an hour of work. These breaks can range from working on hobbies, to talking with friends, or even to taking a nap. “During these breaks, I usually walk around or try not to look at my computer, or at wherever I’m working. I’ll also walk my dog around the block,” Villazor said.
There are many proven scientific techniques that students can also use to regulate their time. One such example is the Pomodoro Technique, designed in the 1980s. People can work for twenty five minutes before taking short breaks in order to not over-stress the brain. Another technique is the POSEC Method, which asks you to prioritize, organize, streamline, economize and contribute. This refers to Abrahma Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, which recommends placing your emotional health as a priority.
Other students report similar activities to Villazor when they need a break. “ I’ll walk my dog, and I really like working out, so sometimes I’ll go to the gym to destress, or I’ll read,” Juliet Garon ’23 said.
As much as students love breaks and procrastination, they must find time to work as well. “I think that time management is important so that you don’t overload yourself with work, which isn’t really conducive to managing your stress or managing your mental wellness. I find that I become distracted by my friends when I work on homework, so I try not to talk to them,” Villazor said. Setting away your electronics, and anything that could possibly be used for procrastination is always a wise option. Stimulates such as Netflix, social media, and texting should be avoided. In addition, students recommend choosing an achievable amount of extracurriculars.
“I manage my stress by using time management. I have a very busy schedule. I play sports throughout the year, so I’m no stranger to stress in addition to all of the classes that I take at this school. I play volleyball, and indoor and outdoor track. I’m also a member of Mock Trial and S.O. Cabinet. I’m also a member of my church community,” said Diana Campbell ’22. While someone such as Campbell can have a lengthy list of extracurriculars, it is possible to set aside proper time.
“I think something that I do that helps me is to prioritize. I have a list of the things that I have to do per day, per week, and the things that are most important to me. The things that are most important are at the top of my list, and that’s what I try to get done first. It’s a matter of not so much cutting down the time that it takes to do those things but making room for them, which comes from scheduling and planning your time.” Even when your schedule may be rigorous, time management will always help with managing stress.
“I manage my stress by using time management. I have a very busy schedule,” said Diana Campbell ’22.

Juliet Garon ’23 make sure to get enough sleep, despite her numerous extracurricular activities.

Reese Villazor ’21 enjoys listening to music without lyrics in order to focus on her schoolwork.
Logan Klinger is an Editor-in-Chief of ‘The Science Survey.' She loves journalism because it allows for the opportunity to study society through different...