World Cooking Club
Members of the World Cooking Club gather round to intently watch a dish as it is cooked.
There’s a tangible energy to the air outside the cooking room in the late afternoon of the spring Friday. There is a unique kind of science happening here, one that has been an important factor in human lives since our origins. The world cooking club is a club that embraces both the curiosity and diversity of the students of The Bronx High School of Science.
As the name of the club suggests, the key tenet of the world cooking club is the diverse range of dishes that are prepared in the after school club are from across the globe, and each one has its own history that is critical to understanding what it means to its culture.
Cooking is a science in and of itself, and it is only growing in popularity within Bronx Science.
The unique creations that are made in the World Cooking Club come from all sorts of backgrounds, traveling thousands of miles to Bronx Science’s own halls. “A day in the club starts with a speech about the food we are cooking and where it is from, then we break off into groups and make parts of the dishes,” said Elizabeth Chen ’19, co-founder of the club along with Mariya Pershyna ’19. “The end goal of the club is to learn more about every country and spread awareness to the different and unique cuisine types that there are,” Pershyna said.
Cooking is a science in and of itself, and it is only growing in popularity within Bronx Science. Courses like nutritional science are becoming more and more popular each year, emphasizing the importance of learning how to cook for a healthy lifestyle.
As we grow and evolve into adults as students, it’s important for us to realize that cooking for ourselves is a critical skill that we cannot undervalue. It is clubs like the World Cooking Club that help us recognize how powerful of a tool learning how to cook can be.
George Crooks is an Editor-in-Chief for ‘The Science Survey’ and is the founder and co-host of ‘The Science Survey Podcast.’ He believes that good,...
Yi Lan Zhang is a Staff Reporter for ‘The Science Survey’ and a Groups Section Staff Reporter for ‘The Observatory.’ She sees journalism as a medium...